FileCoder is a command-line utility to decode/encode files from Plugins.
I feel most people will like to extract files attached to plugins quickly without using any ui.
Attached FileCoder_v1.0.zip
There are a lot of other uses of FileCoder and a set of syntax created to easily use for such cases.
All syntax available with
FileCoder.exe /?
I will publish and inform some tools that use FileCoder here in the future.

Next reply a demo

Extra Info:
FileCoder is a side product or "reverse Azin" project (Step 1/3) which is part of "kill winbuilder"
"reverse Azin" like Azin, idea is to use Plugins easily with other projects,
Unlike Azin, "reverse Azin" will not require winbuilder ("kill winbuilder"),
I hope I find enough free time to finish, requires few more years with available low free time that gets lower.
I hope there will be other standalone tools that use FileCoder
like an "Attachment UI" tool
and after having an "Attachment UI" tool we can also use such tool with a 3rd party editor editor (eg. SynWrite/CudaText)
Feel free to develop such things.

FileCoder is the fastest decoder/encoder I test so far

native x64 exe available

no extra dependency required (no need .net etc)

also with no "hang" bug.

Natural results of good coding.