Hi ied206,
When you download a file from server:
First , Definition "download base folder"
( maybe an option at script.project [Main] DownloadLocation=%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE )
giving example:
http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Projects/Win10PESE/Apps/File%20Tasks/Q-Dir_Nenad.script%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Projects\Win10PESE\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad.script
If md5 do not match than plugin requires download (check mark on plugin left on "Updates screen" default enabled)
Further Plugin download:
http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Projects/Win10PESE/Apps/File%20Tasks/Q-Dir_Nenad.script(b) so default location be: %BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Projects\Win10PESE\Apps\File Tasks
but first better download to a temporary folder (ex: %BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Temp)
If there exist previous file:
If "Backup" option enabled (no required now but better to inform now for "Backup" option )
If md5 of both files same
%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Projects\Win10PESE\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad.script
OverWrite (Copy)
%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Projects\Win10PESE\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad.script
If md5 different save a copy
IniRead Version at (ex: 023)
%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Projects\Win10PESE\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad.script
and check if there exists
%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Backup\Win10PESE\Projects\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad_v023.script
-> If there not exists than
%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Projects\Win10PESE\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad.script
%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Backup\Win10PESE\Projects\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad_v023.script
-> If there already exist
%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Backup\Win10PESE\Projects\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad_v023.script
%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Projects\Win10PESE\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad.script
%BaseDir%\Workbench\Common\Download_Win10PESE\Backup\Win10PESE\Projects\Apps\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad_v023_20171220164743.script
If you get this work, you get Update button download to "download base folder" exact same folder.
(same with blexact)
On Update screen
You can also add "check server" button to check all md5 info of "download base folder" with server
Projects have 2 kind of location, one with subfolder \Projects\ other without
see difference:
See blexactserver have options to make sure all files downloaded. You can add required ones to PEBakery (retry download etc.)
Connection Attempts 5 - Wait 2 seconds
-> problems caused by server
AutoReprocess If failure
This can be faster with PEbakery, just again try to download same file with failure at the end of all downloads.
Failure maybe caused by active upload of a plugin etc.
blexactserver have MD5 fix option. This is not required anymore. We update servers without need for such option.
We can even have syntax to download all project from a server to a folder.
Connection Attempts 5
Wait 2 seconds
AutoReprocess If failure 0
to get exact copy of project from server.
This way I can replace blexact lines with DownloadProject, syntax on Utils\Update .... plugin so we can get feedback from end users.
Too long posts, I hope It is all clear what I am after.