Hi ied206,
Literally, %1500 this is a PEBakery ShellExecute bug.
whatever changed with ShellExecute after PEBakery_20171213.7z cause this bug.
I do not see ShellExecute behavior change on PEBakery Release topic.
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2324Still maybe there is a reason behind.....
Easily reproducible by APT on Win7 x64 Host
This is something we are familiar with.
We are around since XP x86 - PE1
Highly probably wb caused projects for UAC dependency at Win7 times for very similar ShellExecute failure.
which seems nobody remembers

or maybe do not want to remember

and regular users not aware at all.

Problem has a workaround.
"cmd.exe /c" AND "cmd.exe Start" %90 fix this kind of failures.
At the point they can not, there is one more way....
Only 1 remained not having a workaround, but no need to mention that anymore, we have PEBakery.
That is the reason there is
That starts cmd.exe to execute documents and some executables.
That is the same reason ExtractAndRun etc. also deprecated from plugins.
And That is the reason there are some workarounds on plugins to get executables work fine for everybody.
(--> implemented after chasing bugs for a long time on topics... ex: like APT post series taking days, sometimes weeks.... )
ps: Although some people blame me for such commands,
I have not seen same some people come with a solution.

They are only unhappy for seeing workarounds on logs,
ignoring all working smooth for everybody, not only for them.
I do not want to workaround this with cmd, PEBakery is active development unlike wb.
for APT (Win7 x64 host) this workaround works for APT on test plugin.
ShellExecute,Open,cmd.exe,"/c xcopy.exe #$q%ProjectTemp%\1\*.*#$q #$q%ProjectTemp%\2\#$q /i /s /e /r /v /k /f /c /h /y"
It is better we have PEBakery have ShellExecute works
same with cmd.exe StartThis way all troubles related to ShellExecute will be solved for a very long time
(maybe forever till Windows comes with something NEW )
And workarounds on plugins and some Macro Commands can be deprecated in some future (after we get rid of wb)
I am sure at passing period (after getting rid of wb and start cleaning plugins),
very same people will intentionally forget these commands created to get stable projects at wb times saying:
"all work with PEBakery , why there is such bad commands etc.
A small price to be payed by me even when updating other plugins not written by me.
If I wrote a project with compiled executable, noone would notice workarounds or blame anyway.

Shortly:ShellExecute BUG , on your hands now.