In default Win8.1SE, there is only the original boot.wim drivers.
1) Enable testsigning to ON in BCD by using the command 'bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING ON'.Previously it does not seem to work since I applied only to the BIOS version of BCD (file /boot/BCD) and not to theUEFI version (file /EFI/Microsoft/boot/BCD). After a reboot, you get the watermark "Test mode" at the bottom rightof your destop together with the Windows version and build number.
I did some quick tests and it seems that integrating unsigned driver is not possible with UEFI mode ( even if "SecureBoot" is off ) . ...Since SC complains about driver signature, i am afraid that loading driver on the fly using "drvload" may also fail in UEFI mode. I have to play with "Accessgain" , "cfadisk" and "diskmod" to confirm whether "on the fly loading" will work or not. Will report back soon.
As you didn't mention in your post, I'd like to note that you might also need to ENABLE the BCD parameter "Testsigning".
@devdevadevIf you really want to create a "SecureBoot" compatible USB disk with hidden partitions that can boot boot to either Legacy/UEFI mode without changing any BIOS settings, i would suggest to buy a USB fixed disk ( those are not costlier this days ). You can partition a UFD just as simple as a HDD and hide all partitions except the one you wanted to access from regular Windows. At the same time you can easily auto mount the hidden partitions from a WinPE without using USB filter drivers.
If I have well understood, the secure boot plays well its role. It will be hard to bypass and so to use unsigned drivers without disabling the secure boot in Bios settings + Bcdedit.exe -set TestSigning ON
1. "AccessGain" script should be updated with test signed binaries (DSEO can do that ) and exclude "Accessgain" from default selected scripts. On the script interface add an info box stating that "SecureBoot" should be turned off to make "Accessgain" working with UEFI firmware. Also the script should be updated to enable "test signing" on "efi\boot\Microsoft\bcd" store (this is not needed with "boot\bcd" since "Winload.exe" is patched by default. 2. Add an optional check box in "Driver integration" script to enable test signing mode. A warning message about "SecureBoot" and perhaps a link to DSEO download page will be helpful for newbies.
1. According to JFX post (*1) in Reply #1, In BIOS mode winload.exe requires patching in order to the "Disable_Integrity_Checks" setting at BCD not being ignored. And because of winload.exe patching, BCD also requires "NoIntegrityChecks 1" setting to accept patched winload.exe. But, what about "TestSigning ON" BCD setting, is it not required in BIOS mode when using patched winload.exe and previous 2 BCD settings?
2. It is known that while current Win8.1 SE includes applies winload.exe patching, it doesn't for winload.efi. However anshad and loveleeyoungae report succesful UEFI mode (SecureBoot OFF) tests by setting "TestSigning ON" at efi\Microsoft\boot\bcd. So is that winload.efi doesn't require patching for that setting t work, contrary to winload.exe? Are the three BCD settings (D_I_C, NIC1, TSON) set in efi-BCD in your test or just TSON is enough?
3. Finally, it seems clear that *integrated* test-signed drivers yield a Win8.1 SE WIM/ISO that won't boot in UEFI mode (SecureBoot ON), no matter of efi-BCD and winload.efi patching. However was the *on-the-fly* method (description link (*2), updated package link (*3)) *with* test-signed (DSEO) drivers *and* efi-BCD (D_I_C, NIC1, TSON) tested? It's been reported (*4) that WIM/ISO will boot then (nothing looks wrong to SecureBoot), but on-the-fly driver injection will fail. However it's not clear if drivers were test-signed and efi-BCD "properly" set.