cosmetics:Configures\"System" -> Administrator Options -> Backgroundon my side I renamed it separately to "WallPaper Login"
Configures\"System" ComputerName -> limitations: 15 chars (sandy) + special chars (ChrisR)
*Maybe an "Edit" button will be nice to edit patch files main.bat with notepad ?(Maybe not, maybe a hidden option or whatever, only sharing ideas)
*"Open Patch Folder" looks like a good idea eg. Left tree Patches --- Configures --- System : A button or whatever to open \00-Configures\System\ folder.
Too many to do things around to finish and very low free time,I am quite slow to feedback or respond, More later
+Keeping dependency simpleuse notes on Description and Plugin UI.
selection check(dependency), option check.
2. custom preset(config.js, full.js, net.js, custom.js ...)
To me, from lots of experience, It is simpler, safer and easier (+ easier to maintain) than adding default.js custom.js etc... Well only sharing my ideas, rest is on your hands.
WimBuilder.cmd -project WIN10XPE -mainsfest preset.js
I only want to deal with file in \Windows\System32\, and no wildcard in file name, 90% core features's required mui files is in \Windows\System32\.
Few macros used to simplify the use and for a faster build.
I started RE:WIN10XPE project based on WIN10XPE-2018-10-12,I see it now, be improved to WIN10XPE-2019-02-18 ...
*********************************************Even there are InstallCopySys32 and InstallCopySys32Mui, or AddFiles xxx, AddFiles MUI ... commands, macros,but why should we need check if the file has or hasn't mui file to use different command(s) or macro(s), as it could be implemented with less codes.*********************************************
BUT I want to be more simple because:1. from 19H1, Microsoft add new "mun" file in "\Windows\SystemResources\".To support is, we should add the mun files in each patch/plugin.I don't know how you will do with this.for WimBuilderUI, I don't want to pick up the files, and change the patches' main.bat for this meaningless I already deal with this in macro AddFiles for support 19H1, 20H1.a). wimlib-extract file list of "\Windows\SystemResources\".b). check the add file name whether it in the file list.
This reminds me of something for your WimBuilderUI :nobody likes desktop.ini at Desktop
this little things, people can modify WimBuilderUI's Projects\WIN10XPE\last.bat to make it work.
I will update PESE to see your option later :), and COPY it.
I hope the open source wheel will push it be improved without me in somedays.
I'm not native English speaker, yes here have lots communication with you,but with my primary school and translator. For this reason I'd perfer code than description.If the dependency will be complex, I will use the description to make it be simple.
of cause, here should be a "Save As ..." button, for saving current option settings and patches selection.and you mentioned feature:QuoteWimBuilder.cmd -project WIN10XPE -mainsfest preset.jsto build in commandline.
I'm unable to extract either 7z archive, any suggestions?
* The latest version of 19H1,20H1, the File Open dialog cannot open (for example, Run => browse).
if %VER[3]% GTR 18836 ( copy /y "%X%\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\shell\normalcolor\shellstyle.dll" "%X_SYS%\" )
Copy \Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\shell\normalcolor\shellstyle.dll to system32BTW: \Windows\Fonts\segoeui.ttf is missing.
+ver <= 17700 or (ver > 18334 and ver < 18800) or ver > 18836shellstyle.dllen-US\shellstyle.dll.mui+ver*
jstree_data['core']['data'] = $obj_project.patches_tree_data; jstree_data['contextmenu']['items'] = { "OpenFolder": { "label": i18n_t("OpenFolder"), "icon": "browse", "action": function(data) { var inst = $.jstree.reference(data.reference), obj = inst.get_node(data.reference); OpenFolder($obj_project.full_path + '/' +; } } }; $('#patches_tree').jstree(jstree_data);