Topic: WimBuilder2 - New Builder with Re:WIN10XPE project(~20H2 Supported)  (Read 38317 times)


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Configures\"System" -> Administrator Options -> Background
on my side I renamed it separately to "WallPaper Login"

for 19H1, 20H1, I found Switch with Console LogoUI.exe, it works,
and SwitchToAdmin very very fast in one second!
I will research on this method.

I will update PESE to see your option later :), and COPY it.  :w00t:

Configures\"System" ComputerName -> limitations: 15 chars (sandy) + special chars (ChrisR)

I didn't care about the ComputerName for PE, but still leave the option here,
when people want change the name, I think he will know the right name to be.

(I will add javascript validation later. for HTML, such things is very easy.)

Maybe an "Edit" button will be nice to edit patch files main.bat with notepad ?
(Maybe not, maybe a hidden option or whatever, only sharing ideas)

In my design, main.bat should be read-only. if you want to do some custom modify,
should add new folder(like MyCustom, MyFix), and write a new main.bat.
If my main.bat has bug, or need be update, commit a pullrequest for contribute the main.bat.

for some reason, people real need update main.bat in temporary, I consider to support the "Edit" feature later.

"Open Patch Folder" looks like a good idea  :wink:
eg. Left tree Patches --- Configures --- System : A button or whatever to open \00-Configures\System\ folder.

Yes, I use the feature lots, when modify those main.bat...
but I open the folder from SublimeText in developing, not the WimBuilderUI self.

like "Open Log Folder" button in build already have the OpenFolder() function:
Code: [Select]
<button class="pure-button i18n-text" onclick="OpenFolder(_log_path)">Open log folder</button>
<button class="pure-button i18n-text" onclick="OpenFile(_log_path + '\\last_wimbuilder.log')">Open last build log</button>

just add them, and use _patch_id will be done.

I like "Edit", "Open Folder" idea, I will add them to the patch tree item context menu.

Edit main.bat
Edit last.bat
Open Folder

Too many to do things around to finish and very low free time,
I am quite slow to feedback or respond, More later

The same as you, take your time, slow to feedback is not bad, I can't catch up now.  :tongue:

Maybe I should focus on the WimBuilderUI not the RE:WIN10XPE  :confused:
leave the 19H1, 20H1 support to ChrisR, bob.omb, ...
I just merge/convert them later : )
I started RE:WIN10XPE project based on WIN10XPE-2018-10-12,
I see it now, be improved to WIN10XPE-2019-02-18 ...

I hope the open source wheel will push it be improved without me in somedays.  :lol:


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+Keeping dependency simple
use notes on Description and Plugin UI.

 :thumbsup: I did some like this, like SwithToAdmin, but needn't to check the require settings.

in prepare.bat or main.bat has:

if "x%opt[system.admin_enabled]%"=="xtrue" (
    set opt[]=full

WimBuilder is different with WB, the Patch settings support multilingual language.
Chinese, Korean, ... have contribution, but no English for now.
I'm not native English speaker, yes here have lots communication with you,
but with my primary school and translator.  :tongue:

For this reason I'd perfer code than description.
If the dependency will be complex, I will use the description to make it be simple.

selection check(dependency), option check.
becasue I don't commit EXEs to github, someone download the latest version form github,
some Patch didn't work(like PECMD,StartIsBack).

I want to make the patch tree node be red to alarm this.
but if I finish SWRepo, there is no meaning to do this.
I will keep it be simple in my mind.


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2. custom preset(config.js, full.js, net.js, custom.js ...)

To me, from lots of experience, It is simpler, safer and easier (+ easier to maintain) than adding default.js custom.js  etc...
Well only sharing my ideas, rest is on your hands.

I think you missunderstand what I want to do.

When you go to restaurant, offer a menu for a table dishes.
different selection on menu, give you different dishes with different $Money$ cost.

a config.js => build Windows PE wim/ISO with specify features.
default Projects\WIN10XPE\config.js is written by me, others always change the default settings, and select more patches.

Code: [Select]
var $patches_opt = {
    "build.wow64support":false,           // always false if ARCH=x86
    "config.fbwf.cache": "2048",
    "shell.wallpaper": project.full_path + "\\_CustomFiles_\\wallpaper.jpg",

//advanced operation
function patches_state_init() {

if here is custom.js, people needn't overwrite the config.js after downloading the latest WimBuilderUI.
and different preset js offer different functional Windows PE.

full.js => add all features for new machine with good RAM.(, build.wow64support=true,config.fbwf.cache=128GB, explorer shell)
oldmachine.js => select  slim, lite features.(WinXShell.exe +QtWeb, config.fbwf.cache = 512MB)
maintain.js => 100MB wim for DiskGen, Ghost, Dism++ without sound and network.

of cause, here should be a "Save As ..." button, for saving current option settings and patches selection.
and you mentioned feature:
WimBuilder.cmd -project WIN10XPE -mainsfest preset.js
to build in commandline.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 08:44:18 AM by slore »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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I only want to deal with file in \Windows\System32\, and no wildcard in file name, 90% core features's required mui files is in \Windows\System32\.
Require_FileQ works that way.  :wink:

and it uses B) method. (using B method with filecopy and wimlib)

Well in future be careful with lines you see at Win10XPE using ExtractWimFile and ExtractWimFileMui
see related comments I had written to keep something at history :
Lancelot Reply 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35
and also
Lancelot Reply 53

Oscar should also be more careful with bad designed new syntax in future  :wink:

A good idea is to check XPEMacro when you compare packages, I feel there will be more syntax design troubles in future, unlike Macro Library....

keep in mind, Win10XPE initial motto quickly melting (or maybe already melted)
Few macros used to simplify the use and for a faster build.
since you started:
I started RE:WIN10XPE project based on WIN10XPE-2018-10-12,
I see it now, be improved to WIN10XPE-2019-02-18 ...

Even there are InstallCopySys32 and InstallCopySys32Mui, or AddFiles xxx, AddFiles MUI ... commands, macros,
but why should we need check if the file has or hasn't mui file to use different command(s) or macro(s), as it could be implemented with less codes.
Better know history :

We did not have wimlib with filelist features 10 years ago,
Files should be copied (not extracted) line by line
Imagine you were using "cmd copy" command 10 years ago to build Vista and later pe (after mount ;)  )
copy ... A dll
copy ... B dll
copy ... C dll
copy ......C mui
copy ... D exe
copy ......D mui
and you would naturally add a command "cmd RequireFileQ" which not only copy a file but also checks if .mui exists and copy...
at this point you would either have a .cmd file with lots of
--> (similar to your idea)
RequireFileQ ... A dll
RequireFileQ ... B dll
RequireFileQ ... C dll
RequireFileQ ... D exe
with basic plugins where too many files copied, It would be faster to use (maybe not, not tested with cmd, but it is faster with wb  :lol: )
copy ... A dll
copy ... B dll
RequireFileQ ... C dll
RequireFileQ ... D exe

At 'Multi7PE SE' times (~10 years ago), I ask JFX to work on adding a file list to be processed by a separate .exe (to workaround wb speed bug)
 But JFX considered that not required since I guess all were working fine and fast enough.
   (out of box warnings on log , build failure halt etc. --> good for following end user feedback)

10 years later, we do the same thing wimlib to gain the advantage of no mount (faster) + It is faster to extract with filelist instead of copy one by one.
(Still, I did not test and compare with a long list of .cmd file .... I feel (with some ideas behind) It should be faster  :cool:)

Coming today:
with wimlib + filelist speed, you are right, you can automatically add .mui files ignoring wimlib warnings on cmd.

I still like ChrisR and JFX way with exact .mui file list on Basic Plugins, in which there should be no warning during wimlib extraction !?

Such "exact" list not required on Apps or Component plugins. :wink:
That is the reason Require_FileQ served well in passing years,
and that is the reason I had thought same idea with you for wimlib filelist

I am still Following end-user response on topics with Require,FileList using [Require_FileList] having exact .mui list.
So far, I see people are fine with adding .mui to list,
 and I am very cautious when adding such critical commands to Macro Library, even it looks better as the current case.
  Ideas are there, time will show.  :thumbsup:

see you on next post..... :lol:


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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BUT I want to be more simple because:
1. from 19H1, Microsoft add new "mun" file in "\Windows\SystemResources\".

To support is, we should add the mun files in each patch/plugin.
I don't know how you will do with this.
for WimBuilderUI, I  don't want to pick up the files, and change the patches' main.bat for this meaningless update.
so I already deal with this in macro AddFiles for support 19H1, 20H1.
a). wimlib-extract file list of "\Windows\SystemResources\".
b). check the add file name whether it in the file list.
I just download Windows10_InsiderPreview_EnterpriseVL_x64_en-us_18290 to see these new mun files.
25 new mun files, It reminded me old .mui files on XP/2k3  :wink:
( XP/2k3 also had .mui files at System32\mui  :cool: )

In fact .mui files can also be added your way too.  :wink:
on Gena we use a dynamic "PreISO plugin" that executes at each iso creation.
on SE dynamic PreWIM plugin not exists

but for today, I may add a mandatory plugin before post-config for that goal following your path.  :thumbsup:
or direcly inside postconfig...
Thanks for heads up.  :great: :thumbsup:

This reminds me of something for your WimBuilderUI :
nobody likes desktop.ini at Desktop  :lol:

on Gena we rename Desktop shortcuts following Desktop\Desktop.ini with PreISO plugin since ~ 8  years.

This let us rename shortcuts to local language, eg. CMD , Notepad , Wordpad --> to Korean etc.
Components\WordPad -> [NT6_Process_DesktopINI]
Components\Remote Desktop Connection --> Line 101: ..... Add,DesktopIni,Desktop....
Plugins already add desktop.ini info
(remember I also request desktop.ini support for your WinXShell)

shortly: following desktop.ini, and reading the string from relevant line, file rename made by a 3rd party app  :wink:
tip: do not use cmd to file rename.  :wink:

Filenamechanger.exe from Gena\Basic\Build\"Profile Handling and Settings" plugin :
Right-click Filenamechanger.exe -> Properties -> Version -> SourceCode

+ I just Realize, Win10 Properties -> Details have limitation !!!
 use JFX VersionTabXP

Well this is only cosmetics, nobody likes desktop.ini at desktop, but it is still nice to see desktop shortcuts with local language.
see cmd shortcut file name at:

See you on next post.....  :lol:


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This reminds me of something for your WimBuilderUI :
nobody likes desktop.ini at Desktop  :lol:

see the snapshot in WinXShell topic reply #289 (20H1 PE by WimBuilderUI)

If people use PECMD, it will be deleted by PECMD.ini.
I can make one without PECMD, but for now, seems every PE use it.
Without feedback or request, I won't do maintenance with pure startnet.cmd for this little things, people can modify WimBuilderUI's Projects\WIN10XPE\last.bat to make it work.


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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this little things, people can modify WimBuilderUI's Projects\WIN10XPE\last.bat to make it work.
Yes only cosmetics.  :thumbsup:

Personally, I always use ENU with all windows versions in my life, I only change keyboard setings,
 but It looks good building pe with other languages.  :wink:
  only cosmetics.  :lol:
« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 10:27:52 AM by Lancelot »


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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I will update PESE to see your option later :), and COPY it.  :w00t:
Feel free.  :thumbsup:

I hope the open source wheel will push it be improved without me in somedays.  :lol:
time will show.

Well I also believe open source wheel, even somebody do not continue, somebody can find things useful inside.
eg. I did not continue SherpyaXPE but I used many things from SherpyaXPE open source distribution.  :great:
eg. BartPE-pebuilder was closed source ... still inspired many about building PE, saydin77 core open source help us to improve it better in passing time. During 8 years we use saydin77 core last time updated 2017.11.20 for Korean Support  :lol: not possible with pebuilder or any other closed source.....

.wim - .7z is still good idea to revert back to default project. (Reset Project Button: doing same with extracting to a new empty folder)
good part is, with wim max compression, you will have same package size.

only sharing ideas...

I'm not native English speaker, yes here have lots communication with you,
but with my primary school and translator.  :tongue:

For this reason I'd perfer code than description.
If the dependency will be complex, I will use the description to make it be simple.
I am not a native English speaker too.
This also used for bad propaganda about me by others.

and like you, but in addition to bad propaganda, I like to prove what I mean with code.  :wink: :thumbsup:

just for your future reference, dependency verification made on Gena with:
Gena\Basic\PrepPE -> Verify Plugin dependencies  ----> which uses Utils\PluginManager - PluginManager.exe
With small project It would work fine
But increasing number of plugins made it too slow, so I disable as default.

On your WimBuilderUI, Having your builder design you can do dynamic dependency checks (thanks to html  :wink: ) this will not cause time.  :great: :great:
Only keep in mind, keep it simple, passing time requires such codes to be updated. eg. no need dependency check codes for .net or vc... after writing to UI ...

ps: keep in mind, There will be ARM64 PE .....

well, rest is on your hands, I only share my experience.

I understand config.js better now... I was mistaken. :thumbsup:
We use Utils\PluginManager for same goals.... (with limitations of current builder we use and without any hope for a future builder at short time)
eg. Gena\Utils\PluginManager have 3 options: <Gena>Appetizer   <Gena>Meal  <Gena>Sweets

... well it is a complicated and long subject deserves a looong post.... but real-life not required...

I can say nobody uses pre-configured settings.  :wink:
 People always change settings the way they like (preset.js)
 And People see default project always the thing that is extracted.
  That is the reason we dropped some distributions in time, due to unpopularity.....

only one thing:

of cause, here should be a "Save As ..." button, for saving current option settings and patches selection.
and you mentioned feature:
WimBuilder.cmd -project WIN10XPE -mainsfest preset.js
to build in commandline.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

only using shorter command
Code: [Select]
WimBuilder.cmd -project WIN10XPE
will be easier for end user (fall back using preset.js)  :thumbsup:

And I hope you continue development under a folder with space.  :wink: eg. D:\Wim Builder UI\

that is all for now..... :turtle:


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi slore,

Again thanks for MTP patch, It was exciting for me to read all things around and read your patch.  :thumbsup:

I am still trying to get MTP work, but It was fun, thanks again.
 Your patch and reading WimBuilderUI syntax is very nice.  :great:

only a memo:
adding VMware Player virtualization was easier to me compared to VirtualBox in the past,
you can test free with VMware Player,
(check VirtualTest\VMware Emulation -> attached vmxfile.vmx)
It is only editing vmx file and start vmx with exe (exe of player or workstation)

I like WimBuilderUI more every time I spend time with it, thanks for all your efforts developing WimBuilderUI  :thumbsup: :great:



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WimBuilderUI.v20190320 updated(with PECMD, StartIsBack,WinXShell,PENetwork)


change log:
* [NEW] add VC++Runtime  [reqiured for Office 2007 Lite(48MB)]
* [NEW] add "OpenFolder" menu for PatchTree [idea from Lancelot]
* 19H1,20H1 Administrator Account Login (yamingw)
* update DrvInstPatch for 20H1(JFX)
* IE offers only x64 bit options (optimized WIM size), home page settings
* IME input Language bar and built-in input method separation
* wubi ime, yong ime, Sogou ime and other 3rd input method can be installed directly.
   (Installation EXE is x86 version, temporarily need WOW64 support, so the standalone feature pack is not made)
* Add WinXShell RC4.0-Taskbar settings interface, resolution settings, taskbar calendar (click), Time and date settings (double-click)
* Details update (based on feedback from yamingw)
* Overall functional structure optimization
* Add version information
* Output Build takes time
* Add preset definition files (WIN10XPE\_Assets_\preset) to set default settings for different combinations of functional options
  Copy default.js to custom.js, make your default settings. in future versions, will make a selection options on UI for changing preset manifest
* improve AddFiles macro for core features
  * automatically append mun, mui files
  * muilt-lines in one mode

call AddFiles \windows\system32\mspaint.exe

call AddFiles "@\windows\system32\#ndevmgmt.msc,devmgr.dll"
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]

Known issuse:
* The latest version of 19H1,20H1, the File Open dialog cannot open (for example, Run => browse). (fixed. Thanks for JFX)
* 20H1 cannot automatically create Administrator home directory (X:Users\Administrator)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2019, 06:10:16 AM by slore »


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* WimBuilder2.part2.rar (2794.81 kB - downloaded 39 times.)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2019, 11:21:27 PM by slore »


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Hi slore

I'm unable to extract either 7z archive, any suggestions?


  • Code Baker
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I'm unable to extract either 7z archive, any suggestions?
Remove the file extension and open "WimBuilder2.7z.001" with 7-zip.


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* The latest version of 19H1,20H1, the File Open dialog cannot open (for example, Run => browse).
Copy \Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\shell\normalcolor\shellstyle.dll to system32

BTW: \Windows\Fonts\segoeui.ttf is missing.


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Try old school way

This will probably work on windows
Code: [Select]
copy /b WimBuilder2.7z.001.7z+WimBuilder2.7z.002.7z WimBuilder2.7z
Work fine here with a simple file split utility on Android


Better follow JFX ...  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 06:25:19 PM by Lancelot »


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ta  :thumbsup:


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too late to update the description. yes, need remove the latest .7z for now.

follow JFX, add shellstyle.dll, the browse is working, but StartIsBack cannot work if the file exists in System32.

Code: [Select]
if %VER[3]% GTR 18836 (
  copy /y "%X%\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\shell\normalcolor\shellstyle.dll" "%X_SYS%\"

I will try to upgrade StartIsBack tonight.

Hi, Lancelot
Good to have Distribution in,
but I will do a quick update later, I will PM you for help.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 12:44:07 AM by slore »


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Copy \Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\shell\normalcolor\shellstyle.dll to system32

BTW: \Windows\Fonts\segoeui.ttf is missing.

This works fine for latest 19H1 and 20H1. Thanks  :thumbsup:

but I use the one in install.wim\Windows\System32 than \Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\shell\normalcolor one.
(keep same as Windows 10)

+ver <= 17700 or (ver > 18334 and ver < 18800) or ver > 18836

maybe easy for just  or ver > 18300 with wimlib-imagex [WARNING]cannot match path \Windows\System32\shellstyle.dll.

I don't have time to update tonight, I will update it later with more improvement.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 04:41:13 PM by slore »


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Reply #89 updated.

  • [NEW] add "OpenFolder" menu for PatchTree (idea from Lancelot)

        jstree_data['core']['data'] = $obj_project.patches_tree_data;
        jstree_data['contextmenu']['items'] = {
            "OpenFolder": {
                "label": i18n_t("OpenFolder"),
                "icon": "browse",
                "action": function(data) {
                    var inst = $.jstree.reference(data.reference),
                    obj = inst.get_node(data.reference);
                    OpenFolder($obj_project.full_path + '/' +;


  • [NEW] add VC++Runtime  [reqiured for Office 2007 Lite(48MB)]

Code: [Select]
goto :main
set "f0=%~f0"

call :VCRuntimes %WB_PE_ARCH% System32
if "x%opt[build.wow64support]%"=="xtrue" (
    call :VCRuntimes x86 SysWOW64
goto :EOF

set SxSArch=%1
set SysDir=%2
rem ==========update file system==========
call AddFiles "%f0%" :end_files
goto :end_files

; VC++ runtimes
; already in winre.wim but add for SysWOW64


; WinSxS VC++ runtimes

rem ==========update registry==========
call RegCopy HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Winners,%SxSArch%_microsoft.vc80.crt_*
call RegCopy HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Winners,%SxSArch%_microsoft.vc90.crt_*
call RegCopy HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Winners,*
call RegCopy HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Winners,*


  • Moderator, Gena Baker
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Hi slore,

A simple "step by step with pictures" instructions will be good for new users.
- select source
- build
- test with emulator

I include some pictures with packed distribution.

Maybe at .\Help\ folder  :wink:


With a very simple html
 I had used simple html with pictures and simple text to tutorial in the past.
  Simple: like a notepad with pictures  :wink: good enough for everybody  :thumbsup:
--- > Simple helps maintaining easier with passing time. :wink: + use minimum effort.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2019, 06:56:25 AM by Lancelot »


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