Here Is The XPE NVDA-2018 Plugin v6 with Autorun after audio service via pecmd* NVDA_2018.Script (47.27 kB - downloaded 1 times.)
Here NVDA plugin with Line79 fix works very fine following Chris instruction.Tested with Win10_SingleLang_EnglishInternational_x64Edit: with 1809
I have 2018.3 Mostly working while testing with XPE - The issue is No Speech...The speech setting are all populated - output device is populated..writes to speech log file.. Volume control shows speech patterns..But No Sound - No Matter What Media Is Installed...
for those testing with 1809 this App is x86 and requires wow64 files on x64 Build...NVDA 2018 XPE - My Testing - No Speech In PE
With XPE 10-12-2018 > Using Current Test Plugin with Source 1803 x64 - NVDA 2018 - ONLY Requires !! - WOW64 Basic - And The test Plugin already has Message if not WoW64 Basic selected...*****NOW, If I change only the Source to 1809 - I lose System Startup Sound (Reported Earlier) and NVDA Speech
nvda start after the audio service
So after discovering that the old nvda plugin did not contain much useful information how to start it after the audio service started
However, When I test with vm ware, audio completely stops sometimes, and only a reboot from the host can bring it back. It doesn't matter if the guest is rebooted, then the audio still doesn't work. This bug shows up rarely though.
I will add the possibility of constructing the nvda application from a newly created portable copy which will be created with a downloaded installer.
The currently running nvda user config can be added to this portable copy, removing the need to keep updating t
This will be a good exercise for me, not very difficult but it will get me acquainted with the scripting language.