Topic: Multiple ISOs in boot menu  (Read 365 times)

Multiple ISOs in boot menu
« on: December 10, 2019, 05:45:01 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Date Registered: Nov 2013
  • Posts: 23
Is there a way to include multiple ISOs in the boot menu (so I can have Memtest, etc. as options a boot?)

Re: Multiple ISOs in boot menu
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2019, 05:59:24 PM »


  • Grand Chef
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To add memory test to boot menu options....
Edit "Create ISO" line 22
Code: [Select]

Then delete "\Win10XPE\ProgCache\10.0.*****.*_Professional_x64_en-US" or what ever folder
A new BCD will be Cached and used with every build...

To create multi-boot media you would have to edit the corresponding BCD file(s)
Here is a Multi-Arch Bootable USB Setup for XPE
« Last Edit: December 10, 2019, 06:04:18 PM by James »

Re: Multiple ISOs in boot menu
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2019, 07:31:32 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
  • **
  • Date Registered: Aug 2017
  • Posts: 80
This is not specifically about memtest, just multiple .ISO's in boot menu of G4D.
This ideas addresses Multiple ISO's in G4D menu, with multiple .ISO's at root of boot media, 'Not memtest'.

One problem for PESE is that Win?PESE.ini tells where to find the booted .ISO,
but typically we have just one Win?PESE.ini, so we dynamically change it on the fly
to reflect the name of the .ISO that we want to boot.

What this does, is allow you to have many Win?.iso's at root of drive,
but we still use only one Win?PESE.ini, with the IsoName= changed to the name of .ISO selected.

This technique uses a generic Winpese.ini as follows: it is exactly 673 bytes at root of boot media.
Then use G4D to DD Winpese.ini to Win10PESE.ini, or Win7PESE.ini, Win8PESE.ini, etc.
Then use G4D to find and replace  WinXXXXXXXXXX.ISO, to the name of the .ISO to be booted.
See Below.

Contents of Winpese.ini
Code: [Select]
Info1=To boot directly from Your WinPESE ISO (grub4dos, isolinux, etc.).
Info2=Please specify the name or relative path of your ISO file (eg: Win7PE_x86.ISO, \Images\Win7PE_x64.ISO).
Info3=And copy this file to the root of your media.
Info4=This setting is also available in an internal ini file 'MountPEmedia.ini' inside your build (with the name or path of the default ISO, defined when building).
Info5=Use Finals\CreateISO and options Iso filename/Subfolder to get your personal IsoName setting
Info6=At startup, if Imdisk and ISO available, the ISO will be automatically mounted on drive Y:, to access inside files.


// *** G4D menu entry examples for on the fly replace of Win10PESE.ini ***

Code: [Select]
title Win10PESE_x86.ISO  \n v1809 Using DD on WinPESE.ini \n Winbuilder WORKS
dd if=()/WinPESE.ini of=()/Win10PESE.ini
cat --locate=WinXXXXXXXXXX --replace=Win10PESE_x86 /Win10PESE.ini
map (hd0,0)/Win10PESE_x86.ISO (0xfe) || map --mem (hd0,0)/Win10PESE_x86.ISO (0xfe)
map --hook
root (0xfe)
chainloader (0xfe)/BOOTMGR

title Win10PESEv1809_x86.ISO
dd if=()/WinPESE.ini of=()/Win10PESE.ini
cat --locate=WinXXXXXXXXXX --replace=Win10PESEv1809_x86 /Win10PESE.ini

This really should be in PESE section, as it is not too relevant to XPE.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2019, 08:04:54 PM by RoyM, Reason: Replied under XPE »


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