Although I thought I was encouraging Sandy to share for the sake of others...
Thanks everybody for their replies. And I apologize to re-open the topic.I used to work on PESE and nowadays try to examine XPE.Regards.
Also Edit Non-XPE.script to include next line. (under main of Non-XPE.script)Project=Win10XPEMake your build, simple scripts will build without problems.As I said, this is just proof of concept.Not working Stuff:Call, Needs "," removed // Change Call, manually edit Call (NO , ), Until a fix is foundRegAddBoot Unrecognized command. //Comment out until a fix is found. Add_Shortcut changed to AddShortcut // not workingBefore I proceed further, I wanted to see if there were any advice for Not Working Stuff, Short of Hackin' on the API.It's working quite well, but I'm hoping someone has a more elegant solution.Regards.RoyM
I didn't see any new topic created...
I did not find any way to do that on the fly during build...