Well, avoid using "
winbuilder" since it does not mean what you refer at all (which very mostly the case),
it is only a batch processor (like cmd) that runs its batches (with misnamed script) and as you know anything with batch(s) is about batch(s) not cmd :>...
ex: like your hta, batch things you mentioned before...
with other words: your tutorial fits Win7PE SE and Win8PE SE, not wb, not any other project :>.
ps: Also I prefer "plugin" instead of misnamed "script" since plugin as definition depend on where it belongs to, which in our case projects at theoven.org ( Win7PE SE, Win8PE SE , Gena) , plugins around here will very mostly not work on any other projects out of box, fitting plugin defination

WinBuilder Settings" would be "Win7PE SE Settings" or "Project Settings" , up to what you refer.
WinBuilder Settings.txt -> Win7PE SE Settings.txt
along with things in tutorial and topic post
ps: such correction also would lead better tutorial to other builders in time, Win7PE SE & Win8PE SE quite popular that have "copy cats" which will all fit your tutorial.
+ ScriptManager at Gena\Utils)
+ ScriptManager at \Utils\"ScriptManager")
ScriptManager exists on all projects around here at same location \Utils\"ScriptManager"
ps: better name your setting file refering project name like:
ScriptManager-agent47_50.ini --> ScriptManager-Win7PESE-agent47_50.ini --or maybe--> Win7PESE-agent47_50.ini
that would avoid confusion :>
as you know "Just copy all files from .... to desired Hard Drive Partition or USB Device." is not enough,
you can add intro to get ufd ready by using one of
\WriteMedia\"Copy to USB-Device"
\WriteMedia\"Copy to USB-Device BCD BootMGR"

other cases of internal harddrives , 2nd partition of first drive etc. also requires bootmanager ready configured, which are easy but other cases....
We have a java plugin at Yomi
Yomi\AppY\System Tools\"Sun Java JRE"
that need to be checkd to work on Win7PE SE , Win8PE SE, since not tested it is blocked (with first line under [process]
Aside, I advice you to learn AutoIT , #1 Script tool , also verrry popular on PE world (without AutoIT we would not have these projects), and does not require dependencies like java, hta (IE8) etc.
I hope above helps