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Project World => Win10XPE HomePage => Topic started by: sharp on November 18, 2019, 08:59:17 AM

Title: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: sharp on November 18, 2019, 08:59:17 AM
I build a Win10 x64PE with XPE builder. It is first time that I use XPE, till now I have made all my PE's with PESE.
I use a program called AIOCreator to write bootable isos to my multiboot usb drive. But the program gives an error and refuses to write my newly created PE iso.
I have tested AIOCreator in different platforms, including PESE. It never gives such an error. I tried every possible builds on Create ISO page but the result was the same.
Any solution would be appreciated.
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on November 18, 2019, 12:40:18 PM
I build a Win10 x64PE with XPE builder. It is first time that I use XPE, till now I have made all my PE's with PESE.
I use a program called AIOCreator to write bootable isos to my multiboot usb drive. But the program gives an error and refuses to write my newly created PE iso.
I have tested AIOCreator in different platforms, including PESE. It never gives such an error. I tried every possible builds on Create ISO page but the result was the same.
Any solution would be appreciated.

Make sure to use this setting.

Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: James on November 18, 2019, 12:52:32 PM
I use a program called AIOCreator
Please provide a Program web link
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: sharp on November 19, 2019, 09:05:28 AM
I tried your solution (I wonder how I missed:). This time AIO accepted to write it, but when I tried to boot XPE
Windows gave that blue screen at the last stage of boot.
By the way you can download AIO from here. (
AIO has another feature, it can write isos and wim files. Now I can boot with wim file. It doesn't give error when I use wim function.
But with that checkbox checked it didn't boot with wim also.
I know it is a very specific topic, so thank you very much.
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on November 19, 2019, 09:10:12 AM
I tried your solution (I wonder how I missed:). This time AIO accepted to write it, but when I tried to boot XPE
Windows gave that blue screen at the last stage of boot.
By the way you can download AIO from here. (
AIO has another feature, it can write isos and wim files. Now I can boot with wim file. It doesn't give error when I use wim function.
But with that checkbox checked it didn't boot with wim also.
I know it is a very specific topic, so thank you very much.

Try to change the bootloader to grub4dos
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: sharp on November 19, 2019, 10:20:57 AM
I prefer to use Grub2 instead of Grub4Dos. Because as you know, new PCs are not boot with legacy mode. They boot only with UEFI compatible devices.
And you can not boot with Grub4Dos on new machines, at least I cannot. So I have to use Grubb2.
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on November 19, 2019, 10:47:43 AM
I prefer to use Grub2 instead of Grub4Dos. Because as you know, new PCs are not boot with legacy mode. They boot only with UEFI compatible devices.
And you can not boot with Grub4Dos on new machines, at least I cannot. So I have to use Grubb2.

While that is true. There are ways around it.

Can you send a screenshot of the screen you get.
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: sharp on November 19, 2019, 11:07:38 AM
Here is the screenshot:
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: James on November 19, 2019, 11:30:16 AM
Have you tried Writing the ISO to USB by using USB7ice ?? Or by mounting the ISO and copying contents to Fat32 Formatted USB ???
You need to verify the Build Image (ISO) is Bootable
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: sharp on November 19, 2019, 11:55:10 AM
I have verified that the image (ISO) is bootable by UltraIso. But I didn't try USB7ice, because it formats usb drive and I don't want to touch my pendrive because there are too many
boot isos etc.. So I'm sure that build image is bootable. As I mentioned above, I get around this by writing boot.wim file instead of iso file.
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: James on November 19, 2019, 12:10:12 PM
Oh, I see, I thought you said the wim, blue screened at last stage...
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on November 19, 2019, 12:16:42 PM
Here is the screenshot:

Not of the error. AIO Does not like the file cdusb.y.

of the bluescreens.
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: James on November 19, 2019, 12:38:17 PM
I assume you are Booting ISO files when using AIOcreator..
With that assumption, have you tried coping the cdusb.y to the Root of the USB ??
Thus removing it from within the ISO....

A quick test doing that should assign Y to your AIO Media Stick when booted into XPE....
I am just curious as to the results - for now..

Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: sharp on November 19, 2019, 12:56:00 PM
Bigbadmoshe is right. AIO dislikes cdusb.y file. I removed the file within image with UltraIso and it booted.
But when I checked Do not create cdusb.y it has crashed. So the solution is removing that file manually.
And it doesn't matter if the file is in root of usb drive. It boots even there isnt't cdusb.y file.
Thanks everybody, especially to Bigbadmoshe.
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on November 19, 2019, 12:58:51 PM
Its strange because for PESE it's not a problem.
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: James on November 19, 2019, 01:28:56 PM
Well, with that said... I verified my Test...

Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on November 19, 2019, 01:35:17 PM
Well, with that said... I verified my Test...

(Attachment Link)

What did you do?
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: James on November 19, 2019, 01:55:52 PM
Tested & Verify a Theory using "Y:\Programs" with AIO Creator Media

Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on November 19, 2019, 02:17:13 PM
so you moved the file to root of usb?

I have done that before but it did not help.

I need to start clean windows and slowly test with clean build.
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: James on November 19, 2019, 02:29:20 PM
I integrated the XPE Boot.wim ( Not the XPE ISO ) with AIOCreator
Then I Copied the CDusb.y Flag and the "Programs" Folder to the Root of the AIO Media....
Basically I followed the Normal Booting Process of Windows....

The Issue with the CDusb.y Flag being present inside ISO is the fact you are booting (Expanding / Mounting) the ISO as a drive which is assigned a drive letter...
Then XPE is trying to Re-Assign the Drive Letter of the expanded ISO drive to Y due to the flag...
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on November 19, 2019, 02:39:06 PM
I integrated the XPE Boot.wim ( Not the XPE ISO ) with AIOCreator
Then I Copied the CDusb.y Flag and the "Programs" Folder to the Root of the AIO Media....

Interesting. Its a good work around but if you build all the time it can get tedious to have to replace the Programs folder all the time.

What's interesting is that Bobs builds work with AIO it repacks the iso as shown in the image

Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: James on November 19, 2019, 02:52:53 PM
Think about it.... What are you actually Rebuilding all the time ???
The same Project with different Apps or options...
Title: Re: AIOCreator Gives Error
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on November 19, 2019, 03:22:45 PM
Being that I had issue with programs on USB as well as the face that our techs don't want to keep the USB in the computer. I have built 5 versions.

It's crazy but we have so many different computers from old to new, so I've been building with build of 800 MB to almost 3 GB.