With Secure boot on (and Legacy support off), I indeed got the UEFI key management screen yesterday. I managed to enroll the key, and as you said, now I also get the CSM support error in Secure boot mode. So with that out of the way, do you think there will be a way to start the USB key in UEFI mode with rEFInd?
3. Mandatory. When Secure Boot is Enabled, Compatibility Support Modules (CSM) must NOT be loaded. Compatibility Support Modules are always prohibited on Connected Standby systems.
In my Win8pe_se x64 Winbuilder under FINALS > CREATE ISO there is an option:-"Add standard EFI Boot for Win8PE or Win7PE x64".If this option is enabled AND I burn the created ISO to a DVD Disc, it will not boot in two of my older computers. But, it does boot on another slightly newer computer and it also boots successfully within VirtualBox which is hosted on one of the computers that does not boot the DVD Disc.
I'm not sure how this can be implemented in the iso build script, however.
You know better than me, do you have an idea on how to do this with gsar, already present in tools folder. Or other tools to patch the ISO. There must be a lot of occurrence of "16 02".
-eltorito-alt-boot Start with a new set of "El Torito" boot parameters. This allows to have more than one El Torito boot on a CD. A maximum of 63 El Torito boot entries may be put on a single CD