Topic: Network Discovery  (Read 1037 times)

Network Discovery
« on: March 17, 2014, 07:44:57 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Date Registered: Jan 2014
  • Posts: 54
One thing I have noticed is that networking for file shares works fine (IE: if you type in \\nas\share, you can access the appropriate shared folder of that name). However, if you click on the network icon within explorer, the computer will hang trying to search for other devices on the network.

This is not a huge issue, as there are several tools out there that will scan a network and tell you its shares (some of them do a better job then the explorer version). That being said, for the sake of continuity (and also so other people don't get baffled when they can't find a computer on the network), is there a way to add this feature?

Separately (and not related to this issue), I would *love* documentation about the footprint each script takes up on a computer. I have figured out most of them by trial and error, but having a standard footnote that says "this script takes approximately 50MB in the WIM", would be amazing to have.

Re: Network Discovery
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2014, 10:59:33 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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  • Date Registered: Mar 2011
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I would *love* documentation about the footprint each script takes up on a computer. I have figured out most of them by trial and error, but having a standard footnote that says "this script takes approximately 50MB in the WIM", would be amazing to have.
It is not really easy and I do not have much time for that.
It is maybe something for which you can help  :wink:  but you should know that:

Some apps can run from Ram or from CD\USB (with some dependencies in boot.wim)
It depends on the selection made, files can be used in several plugins:
   ex: Ms Paint, Ms Viewer, Ms Wordpad use files in commom, if each weighs eg 2MB, all 3 do not necessarily take 6MB.
It may also depend on the selection made inside plugin:
   ex: Internet Explorer 11 that have the options Add embedded Flash Player, 32 bit Only, Add your Language Dictionaries. 
Also, the plugins can change with the addition of new dependency, not too much when it is Stable.
And we must have the size for x86 and x64.

Otherwise, it is written in DotNet Interface and VC++ tooltip, 2 large plugins independent of others.



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