Hi JFX, thanks for the reply! I attempted your BCD change, but it didn't have an effect. I may have put it in the wrong place, as Windows Deployment boot chain isn't as familiar to me as an attached storage device (see below for current boot-chain/bcd output). I'd love to get the latest and greatest running on WDS, but if it just isnt going to work right now I'll cope. If it wont, what is the latest build that keeps the signature of winload.exe intact?
###Boot-Chain/BCD Output###
Misc Info:
-WIM File: WDSDIR$\Boot\x64\Images\Srvr2k12PE.wim
-Test Client: PXE Bootable x86/x64 Core i5 Laptop
=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=[1: $WDSDIR$\Boot\x64\default.bcd]=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=
bcdedit /store default.bcd /enum all
Windows Boot Manager
identifier {bootmgr}
fontpath \boot\fonts
inherit {dbgsettings}
timeout 30
Debugger Settings
identifier {dbgsettings}
debugtype Serial
debugport 1
baudrate 115200
Device options
identifier {68d9e51c-a129-4ee1-9725-2ab00a957daf}
ramdisksdidevice boot
ramdisksdipath \Boot\Boot.SDI
ramdisktftpblocksize 1456
ramdisktftpwindowsize 4
custom:3600000b Yes
=_=_=_=_=[2: $WDSDIR$\Boot\x64\Images\Srvr2k12PE.wim.bcd]=_=_=_=_=
bcdedit /store Srvr2k12PE.wim.bcd /enum all
Windows Boot Loader
identifier {af4e2d37-f3dd-47fa-b9c2-542622d9f132}
device ramdisk=[boot]\Boot\x64\Images\Srvr2k12PE.wim,{eccaea5d-
description Srvr2k12_PE
nointegritychecks Yes
osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\Boot\x64\Images\Srvr2k12PE.wim,{68d9e51c-
systemroot \WINDOWS
detecthal Yes
winpe Yes
Device options
identifier {eccaea5d-4110-427d-8676-e3b6e07a8165}
inherit {68d9e51c-a129-4ee1-9725-2ab00a957daf}
ramdiskmcenabled No
ramdiskmctftpfallback Yes