Hello all,
I own a legit copy of Acronis True Image 2020. I do not have it regularly installed in my windows because I consider it a resource hog, but I want to use it for my Win10XPE. Thankfully, there is a ready-to-use plugin for True Image 2020 on Win10XPE, and it has a field for the serial number, so I entered my serial number there. Compilation of Win10XPE finished without displaying any errors, but when I boot it up, the True Image plugin comes up as Trial Version and refuses to do certain things because of that. In other words, the serial number does not seem to have been properly accepted. Is there any way to debug this and find out why? What can I do?
In fact there are two serial numbers that I know of: The short one looks like XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX and is included in my True Image 2020 product box. Once I registered it online (I installed the product once for testing purposes), I got a longer serial displayed that looked like XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX. The first two blocks were identical; the remainder appears to have been generated upon registration. Neither of the two worked in Win10XPE tho; with both the app displayed as "Trial Version".
Since I do not have True Image regularly installed in my windows, I cannot use the button that pulls the serial key from the registry, but I figure that should not be necessary anyway, since I know the key and can enter it. I would just appreciate it working afterwards.
Thank you in advance,