Is there any opinion about language improvement?
I think some commands should be deprecated or redesigned.
Any information and opinion about variables system is also helpful.
1. Button controlAccording to WB document, button control has operands up to 11.However, in production, it has various length of operands.
2. UI Controls to be deprecatedI cannot find usage of CheckList in Win10PESE.If there is no demand for this, can this be deprecated?Ideas about new UI control is also good.
3. Encoded File Format
To me most critical,winbuilder use wrong kind of memory management, very wrong log file which cause big log and + with bad memory management cause winbuilder hang ...
also winbuilder can not ignore encoded files during read of a plugin + bad memory management = cause slow down of big sized plugins during execution and during interface edits.=> we use workaround with File Container plugins.===> but initial execution of winbuilder cause too much time with increasing number of plugins following bad plugin management with bad memory management.
I believe'System,FILEREDIRECT,{OFF|ON}'can also be depricated.
as long as you can decode, I do not think there will be problem for compatibility. during evolution lots of formats tested, at that time there were programmer contributers, but like project developers they were kicked out from development
It would be good to see a good working open source builder with a good evolution to better. Something we sadly miss and mostly workaround during development of projects. At least we designed projects and plugins in a way to be compatible to a new builder which will help to a new builder development.
For logging, I intend to use SQLite database.
This is what I am planning:1) Implement WB082 compatible builder <- Current status2) Propose new PEBakery file format and grammar3) Write converter, and convert all plugin into new format
Limitation : White color is not considered as transparent, can be substituted by png with alpha channels.
Yet there is long way to go...
So if someone is writing a replacement builder, why not change the syntax as well. Sure, it will break everybodies projects including mine, but it also gives a lot of new and better commands.Just my 2 cents.
WinBuilder is slow and has memory problems. LiveSystem Pro is fast, and almost bugfree (after helping Kare remove countless bugs).But the grammar (syntax) for both builders sucks big time. I'm tired of all those comma's and return values as arguments.Why not write something that has a syntax like a normal language ? So I am writing this right now.Lexer is done, parser is 95% done. It has full expression support. Syntax is sort of PureBasic like (which I'm using to write it in).
So if someone is writing a replacement builder, why not change the syntax as well. Sure, it will break everybodies projects including mine, but it also gives a lot of new and better commands.
Totally agree. The syntax of WB is also one of it's main problems.LSP mostly inherit this style and soon there will be another builder with this silly synatx
Free Limited Time Evolution should go step by step since there is no programmer team that can transfer all projects and all plugins with new syntax.
This is what I am planning:1) Implement WB082 compatible builder <- Current status2) Propose new PEBakery file format and grammar3) Write converter, and convert all plugin into new formatProcess 2 and 3 will take years, but if all goes well, I hope bad legacy to be removed.
%Var1% = 153%Var2% = 3If %Var1% < %Var2% ==> True, string compareIf Math(%Var1% < %Var2%) ==> False, numeric compare
I do not agree with you on the batch+vbs solution. It will work. But on a single project that supports multiple Windows version you do need a lot more.
1. It would be nice to have faster and more reliable builder compatible with all existing plugins for the start.
2. I very like slore's idea with VBscript as a programing language for a new syntax.
3. I don't like .NET dependency, I would stay at least to 3.5 version included in Win7 if it is possible at all.
Hello, ZYX! Welcome to the forum.
I haven't used VBScript, what is the advantages of using VBScript's syntax?
Are there any customizable parser and runtime exists?
To support log functionability and others, I think customizing runtime is inevitable.
We also have to consider about easiness of converting WB082 syntax into new syntax.
I understand about your opinion, but I think using C#/WPF with recent .Net Framework is the best choice.
you could write and modify scripts and you could run them immediately after that without waiting for some kind of compilation