Topic: Converting script between PESE and XPE  (Read 1416 times)

Converting script between PESE and XPE
« on: November 22, 2019, 07:01:14 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Converting script between PESE and XPE
Continued from HERE:
As suggested.

Thanks Malok.
I didn't wanna do a TXTReplace, I could see it going wrong very easily.
As I see you found out also....

Copying the plugin to a \temp folder and then TXTReplace would be safer, That way the original stays intact.

I have fixed the Add_Shortcut problem, but I did have to edit %API%.
Call, is also giving me problems, For now, I think it will have to be
done manually with a search and replace by the operator.

RegAddBoot is another problem child, For now, RegAddBoot will be ran as a RegWrite.

@All, I'm sure other issues will arise, please reply with issues and/or improvements.

Follow the directions in the [INFO] section, to use this plugin/converter.


Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2019, 08:03:12 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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There was an error on attached plugin above:                                         Change From

Add_Shortcut=Run,%API%,MAddShortcut  <-- add this line manually to (script.project), under ApiVar.

                                                                                                          Change To, Do not include ()
Add_Shortcut=Run,%API%,MAddShortcut  <-- add this line manually to (Macro.script), under ApiVar.

A new one has been attached with better directions and annotations.

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2019, 12:52:55 AM »


  • Code Baker
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An updated version of PESE2XPE plugin converter for XPE:

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2019, 01:34:19 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Very Nice Oscar, a True converter.

To explain, what Oscar's converter does, is to take a .script or plugin,
and rewrites it to %Basedir%\Projects\MyPlugins\Apps\XPE Plugin Creator\*.script
as well as making it XPE compatible..

What se2xpe does, it is mostly a wrapper for the (plugin to convert),
When the (plugin to convert) runs, the first thing it does is to call se2xpe.
se2xpe then changes the variables on-the-fly, so that the (plugin to convert) is XPE compatible.
se2xpe does not change the original script, except for the initial 3 lines of code that are inserted.

Well Done Oscar.

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2019, 02:41:38 AM »


  • Grand Chef
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First there was James
XPE code checker (aka PESE2XPE converter)
then oscar wrote
XPE2PESE converter (an 180º turn of XPE code checker)
now there is Prz42
PESE2XPE converter (an 180º turn of XPE2PESE converter, and de facto a 360º turn of XPE code checker)

So some of this is not new - just a rehash of the old...
Only the names have changed...


History001=KYHI Initial XPE Plugin Created 2018.09.20
Which was removed from the Project Utilities...
Worked with Simple SE code changes..
But did not address the more complex SE Macro's...

« Last Edit: November 23, 2019, 03:30:23 AM by James »

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2019, 09:44:33 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Thanks RoyM opening the topic,

now we are sure posts will not be deleted.  :great:

Long story to short, Here is the package,
 just extract to Win10XPE folder to test (does not overwrite anything)

Only extract to Win10XPE , and click BigBlue, all should work fine.
( I just extract Win10XPE_2019-11-20.7z and to same folder, work fine here)

In the future, If not sabotage with another fake fabricated excuse, it will continue to work fine too.

To demonstrate all work fine, I add some plugins to the package
"Steps Recorder"
"Mouse_Cursors_Breeze Cursors by niivu"  :lol:
"ExeProperties (ExtraBit)"

Plugins work fine out of the box without change or convert.

To exaggerate, I also add "VirtualBox Emulation" and "VMware Emulation" plugins, they work fine too without change or convert. :lol: :cool:

******** This quick Package even today naturally works better compared to any "to xpe Converter" ********

- Require_FileQ all working fine
- Require, all working fine  (Require,FileList etc.)
- Call, should be fully working (my quick tests are ok)
- RunFrom partially working, following current Win10XPE design
- ChangeInterface, etc. should be working fine.
- RegAddBoot
I guess Win10XPE still uses pecmd, whatever the loader add a line equal to following cmd line JUST BEFORE Shell load :
Code: [Select]
If Exist %SystemRoot%\System32\ExpEnvVar.exe Start /Wait ExpEnvVar.exe
this should get RegAddBoot lines to work.
(see "Add Shortcut etc." plugin lines)

I hope this package stops black propaganda about Macro Library, Syntax and Plugins.
 eg. "complex SE Macro's" -> wrong  ----> correct: "Simple Plugin Macro's not available with Win10XPE so conversion can not fully work" etc.
   In reality, you can convert App xpe-plugin to plugin easily, but the opposite is not easy.  (to plugin converter will always result much better)

 Macro Library, Syntax and Plugins designed well,
  And Plugins works fine even with WimBuilder2 and LiveSystemPro here with another method,
    Half-day work to create the above package self proves Plugin concept with its Syntax is very good.  :cool:
     Still better hope package stop this fabricated incompatibility relevant things to re-write or convert and posts etc...

This is a half-day Saturday work just to prove the concept with Win10XPE like I did a year ago but did not publish that times,
 I do not have any more time, feel free to improve and distribute further, It is a very mature head start, I can assure all plugins %100 work if one improve the rest*.
  At least you will not need conversions anymore,
   ps: I can post feedback when required If I am around, see notes inside plugins ....

rest*: rest is mostly project-specific things.
 eg. LiveSystemPro, WimBuilder2, Gena use different tools/methods (syntax) to create shortcuts during build, Win10XPE use pecmd to create shortcut at boot,  ... etc.
    Such things are out of Macro Library and Plugins, controlled by separate plugins.
       eg. The current package has a separate "Add Shortcut" plugin for Win10XPE, Gena always has separate "Add Shortcut" plugin .....

Have fun. :turtle:

\DownloadsY\ Added to package, giving example:

On builder UI under Win10XPE
"Downloads Plugin Compatibility TOP" Plugin ----> Click Green Play Button
"Download Plugins - 1"" Plugin
 ----> Click Download button at the LEFT of \Appy\Accessibility\Zzoom_omiod
 ----> (you can Click Other Plugins Download buttons)
 ----> Click 'ReScan (Refresh) Plugins' button (Restart Button) (Green circle button on Plugin UI) ==> This will restart builder
"Downloads Plugin Compatibility END" Plugin ----> Click Green Play Button

You will see Win10XPE\Appy\Accessbility\Zzoom plugin available ;)

instruction with pictures also available here:
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 01:51:27 PM by Lancelot »

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2019, 11:29:51 PM »


  • Grand Chef
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Hi Lancelot

Thanks for all that work, went to give it a go but then got stuck.
I can't find any plugin that I'm interested in personally that doesn't already have an XPE version already available and up to date.
But I'm sure RoyM will have one in mind, anyway thanks again

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2019, 01:32:59 AM »


  • Grand Chef
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A little more then 200 lines of code required it seems....
But 2 questions - why folder with plugin .lnk and another with script ??
Why not use existing tools ?? - see some new others same
« Last Edit: November 24, 2019, 01:36:28 AM by James »

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2019, 02:08:02 AM »


  • Grand Chef
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Hope we can discuss this in a meaningful manner for the sake of development...
Would it be possible to use a folder structure similar to what already exists in XPE ?


This way SEPlugins can interface nicely with others - rather then have additional App folders

This should allow any Pre-checks or SE process to be run at start of /SEPlugins/Apps and end there after
« Last Edit: November 24, 2019, 02:13:02 AM by James »

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2019, 03:02:23 AM »


  • WimBuilder
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Why not use existing tools ??

Are there existing tools for making Script out of WinBuilder project's box(world)?

And Plugins works fine even with WimBuilder2 and LiveSystemPro here with another method

This is new thing. I'm glad to see it. Lancelot  :thumbsup:

My project(WimBuilder2) has more functional Windows components, but it leaks of 3rd apps, or some tweaks, because it is new, less people create patch for it.
My personal is using PETools for loading/mounting the applications to do that, no need to add them in building.
But for the PE SE users,  Lancelot's work can:
WIN10XPE + Plugin_Compatibility => v1903, v1909 supported Win10PE SE.
LiveSystemPro + Plugin_Compatibility => v1903, v1909 supported Win10PE SE.
WimBuilder2 + Plugin_Compatibility => v1903, v1909, 20H1 supported Win10PE SE.
(I don't try it yet, but the UI part is different, the plugin Interface won't be used, maybe build with default options.)

for the XPE  users,  Lancelot's work can:
Use existing good plugins with WIN10XPE project. Use those assets without spending time to make convert plugins, leave the plugin(s) work fine in both projects.

But for the WimBuilder2 users ,  Lancelot's work can:
Use existing good plugins with WimBuilder2. Use those assets without spending time.

Well, on WimBuilder2's design roadmap, In funture, The end users will add/update applications in the simplest way ---Just update the official download url or dist.

Chrome is updated in with next change lines in GoogleChrome_xxxx.script in Win10XPE-11-20.7z:
Code: [Select]
Title=Google Chrome v78.0.3904.97
Description=(v78.0.3904.97) Fast Free Web Browser. One browser for your computer, phone and tablet.
History001=KYHI Initial XPE Packed Plugin Created 2019.11.12




For WimBuilder2 is like:

use lastest version [Normal User]:
Just put downloaded 78.0.3904.97_chrome_installer.exe into vendor\Chrome\ folder with:
Code: [Select]

Or (Auto Download)

Code: [Select]
set SetupURL=
set SetupURLx64=

select version on UI(define new version) [Practised User]:
    "78.0.3904.97": {"alias":"latest", "x64": "APxmP00ERnxueB1YewL8360", "x86" : "Z4qsd_C-892jH1fG88zAOg"},
    "77.0.3865.75": {"x64": "DwRvDRtUADLGWiTxTGOE6A", "x86" : "ALZQVEfNiq-Fl8VbcSwmquI"},

WimBuilder2's design roadmap is off topic, I will remove them if someone PM me. (Those words come out on the topic, I wrote for recording it.)

Also this update design could be done with WinBuilder's script,    if someone need simple way, he/her can try to make a plugin like this.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 02:59:40 AM by slore »

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2019, 03:30:30 AM »


  • Grand Chef
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Slore, Thanks for clarifying why all this has come into fruition...

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2019, 04:35:03 AM »


  • WimBuilder
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Slore, Thanks for clarifying why all this has come into fruition...

Well, As I said, WimBuilder2 won't use the *.Script desgin. It is not usefull for me,
But someone needs some plugins to WIN10XPE, so there was PESE2XPE, the other side, there was XPE2PESE.
There would be XPE2PEBakery, later.

That is nature. Because NONE of the exsting Project can be complate alternate for others for now.
Lancelot did some work, make *.script be out-of-box, can be used into ANY project, It is good work,
For you gays who just focus on WIN10XPE project, it is not usefull for you.

YOU should know:
WIN10XPE can't full instead of WIN10 PE SE, Re:WIN10XPE can't full instead of WIN10XPE, ...

Like you ported Printer, MTP support from WimBuilder2, some one need RNDIS later, they may also do that, too.
But port to diffierent syntax, need some time for someone.If there is  a plugin that, can let XPE project use WimBuilder2's main.bat,
I think it is good for others, like sharp, Jon_2030. Not everyone is script developer, they can't port it in right to XPE.
(Well, actually They can build PE with WIN10XPE project first, then use WIN10XPE's boot.wim as the base wim, use WimBuilder2 to add the single feature to WIN10XPE.iso\sources\boot.wim.)

Even you. You needn't have to update the ported script with update main.bat.
(Device and Printers.script [2019-9-30]can't work for RS5 and later, unless you update it with my _printer.bat [2019-11-11], and it will work for v1903, v1909, 20H1 source to get the working Printers.)

Actually, It is very easy for me, to make Batch2XPE, let WIN10XPE use WimBuilder2's macros, patches without modify it.
But I don't have strong desire that make everything in ONE project.

I can use WimBuilder2 to build the core features, and use WIN10XPE or WIN10PESE project to add the "Apps".
Combine them to build PE.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2019, 05:21:34 AM by slore »

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2019, 06:27:40 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Most (not all) plugins converted to xpe with James / KYHI name on it deleting my name Lancelot and other names.
It is the subject of "Fabricated Incompatibility" topic
Idea: Fabricate an incompatibility to create an excuse to delete names on plugins during conversion.

From end-user side , free things without pay always good,
 One can take neighour's car adding the one name on it,
   and friends of the one do not care as long as they have good times driving that car.

Anyway, such comments like yours belongs to
"Fabricated Incompatibility" topic

Further post such things there.


« Last Edit: November 24, 2019, 06:28:26 AM by Lancelot »

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2019, 06:58:06 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi James,

Meaningless Fabricated Incompatibility with syntax AND folder structure discussed last year. EOD (End of Discussion)
I had already written "MyPlugins" "MoPlugins" create troubles and break many things, they should be "MyXPEPlugins"
and things with other folders, etc. etc.

All ignored with your support. :thumbsup:

So it is meaningless following your folder things today,
 Fabricated Incompatibility folder structure already break many things (180 degree)
   Today I create package following this Fabricated Incompatibility folder structure without asking anything,
     now you ask some other folder structure  (180 degree)
       Come on, you like to draw circles, I do not.  :lol:

A little more then 200 lines of code required it seems....
No, less than 200, you post without count.

First plugin with 104 lines is only a start that add compatible variables avoiding fabricated incompatiblity
If you do not count 104, number below 100.

The reason RoyM and Sandy need more than 200 lines, they create RoyM-Macro and Sandy-Macro
 I use Macro Library where universal syntax works out of the box without new lines.

It is only surprising someone (Sandy) write this solution after a year, which was already there for everyone and I had written around topics.
 Nobody reads.  :wink:

Slore, Thanks for clarifying why all this has come into fruition...
No, you intentionally black propaganda what is written.
 Macro Library and Plugins designed to work with other projects much before slore, even before ChrisR around,
  ~9 years ago I was building with UBCDWin and BartPE builder using Macro Library.

The package proves this to the one who likes to see the truth.
 Still not all like to see the truth, Human nature or Hidden Agenda,
  There are still people on earth saying the earth is flat   :lol: :lol:

Fruition came last year with Fabricated Incompatibility,
 I already wrote last year and recently, similar to the above package already created last year.
  This is very old news.

Last year I only figure out,
 Fabricated Incompatibility is intentional and only serves to an excuse to delete author of plugins during conversion,
   which at last I understand why all this has come into fruition at "Fabricated Incompatibility" topic

Please post such things out of topics like current topic where things related to development discussed,
 eg. use an existing topic  "Fabricated Incompatibility" topic

So normal people can have real development posts or attachments.
 (Knowing you for years, I know you intentionally jump to such topics to stop things like that, but I will not tolerate that further)


Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2019, 07:40:04 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi slore,

This is new thing. I'm glad to see it. Lancelot  :thumbsup:
Not new, I had written related things last year but do not publish,
 expecting others to follow like you on some of your posts.
  eg. Slore reply 5
   you show the path with a post but you do not provide any plugin or xpeplugin.

The only difference is, I got tired to see same conversion posts again and again,
 I only provide a simple package to demonstrate all working fine without conversion.

Package is more like MS decide to change %windir% to %Gwindir% with 21H1 with a fabricated excuse,
and you only add Set %windir%=%Gwindir% to the top of your cmd to get your patches work instead of converting to xpepatch with %Gwindir%  :lol:

Method used here is NOT the one I use at home for WimBuilder2 and LiveSystemPro, naturally, similarities exists anyway but much better organized.

I hope I can find to finish the development and publish at the end of this summer. I am sure both WimBuilder2 and LiveSystemPro (+ some others) benefit from using plugins, and developers will have more time to focus on core development. (eg. Printer, MTP, future win distribution support etc.)

Before you were around, we initially create the current forum to avoid rewriting plugins again and again forced by builders or projects.
eg. PEBakery topic -
eg. WinBuilder - ... you will find similar post games on winbuilder discussion topics about incompatibility like at PEBakery topic.
----- Peter (author of winbuilder) was doing quite the same with James following fabricated incompatibility on builder side to re-create scripts with his name on it. James things are not new to us.
eg. Incompatible projects that require rewrite the same plugins. (In the past giving example plugin written for Win7PESE not work with Win10PESE, not work with Gena --- but as you see all work today with same plugin)

In the past with respect to ChrisR, I did not work on Plugin work with WimBuilder2 and LiveSystemPro, my bad mistake.
 Today I do not have free time to do such thing, but I can say %99 ready out of box.
   I feel quick test with the package self-proves this argument.  :thumbsup:

When I find time, I follow WimBuilder2 design roadmap, as well as LiveSystemPro and others.  :thumbsup:
 To me current important is setting saved with WimBuilder2 when closed or with a save button.

not WimBuilder2 or any other road map, but anyone can create a "batch" utility (cmdplugin.exe) to process plugins which as you know work with batch way. This will get plugins work out of box more widely. Only sharing the idea since the concept is there.

There are a lot of things to consider during project/builder development and a lot time required, I wish my best luck to you.

Keep your posts. It is always good post with people like you instead of responding to fanatics.  :thumbsup:


Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2019, 07:48:19 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi All,

updated package at reply 5

added innounp support and some other minor things.
"ExeProperties (ExtraBit)"
plugin to demonstrate innounp plugins work fine.

I do not have enough time or much interest to improve this package,
 further feel free to improve to better.  :thumbsup:

« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 03:30:43 PM by Lancelot »

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2019, 05:34:37 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Thanks Lancelot, Very Nice work.
I would also like to thank everyone else involved in this subject.
This has been a great learning experience.
And I have lots of material to examine and learn from now.
Vacation is over for now, back to the real world.....

Thanks Guys.

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2019, 01:49:36 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi RoyM,


A little update :
updated package at Lancelot Reply 5

with minor things (fix-organize .lnk files, add Yomi operational, add \DownloadsY\ , simplify start compatibility )

About Downloads:

On builder UI under Win10XPE
"Downloads Plugin Compatibility TOP" Plugin ----> Click Green Play Button
"Download Plugins - 1"" Plugin
 ----> Click Download button at the LEFT of \Appy\Accessibility\Zzoom_omiod
 ----> (you can Click Other Plugins Download buttons)
 ----> Click 'ReScan (Refresh) Plugins' button (Restart Button) (Green circle button on Plugin UI) ==> This will restart builder
"Downloads Plugin Compatibility END" Plugin ----> Click Green Play Button

You will see Win10XPE\Appy\Accessbility\Zzoom plugin available ;)

instruction with pictures also available here:

+ I Add \DownloadsY\ demonstrate why .link files etc. organized that way with folders.  :wink:
 Before someone misguide about this subject again ...
  Bonus: One can download Plugins on servers easily.

I guess 4 new lines (- deleted lines probably total result = 0  :lol:), rest is copy-paste Plugins etc. files  :wink:
I hope you, sandy or anyother improve this package. Or I will see same package after a year again.  :lol:

« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 01:13:54 PM by Lancelot »

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2020, 08:53:41 PM »


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I am posting my works as is, This is still an unfinished project.
Please use with caution, and use at your own risk.
Poorly written .scripts may trash things.
Use This on a non-critical PC, aka Tech-PC.
Just keeping the code together so that others may profit.

How to USE.
Put se2xpe.script in %BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\se2xpe.script
Put Macro_Library.script in %BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\Macro_Library.script

In the plugin that you want to convert, directly under [process]
Echo,".....Calling se2xpe.script",WARN

So it will now look like This:
Echo,".....Calling se2xpe.script",WARN

se2xpe.script runs like a wrapper, it get's called before the plugin to convert.
And just Gang replaces the variables that were meant for other projects or API's,
and makes them compatible with the builder.
It's not perfect, I had minimal time to test and code.

Ideally, se2xpe.script would parse the plugin to convert,
try to identify keywords to decide exactly which API it was written for,
and then proceed with conversions.

Have Fun.

Re: Converting script between PESE and XPE
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2020, 01:46:14 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi RoyM,

Aside from wrong naming  :lol:

We have Azin now

I can use Plugins I created for Gena via Azin, no need trouble creator conversions anymore.


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