Hi. Just as an addition to Malok info: if you also want to register the TTF font so it appears as an option in Command Prompt font selection list, use
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont",INDEX,"TTFDISPLAYNAME"
where INDEX can be any numeric string other than 0 or 00 (so i.e 000 and 001 would be valid), and TTFDISPLAYNAME would be "Arial" in Malok's example. However for consola.ttf it's "Consola
Important: *only* monospace TTF fonts will work here. A nice collection of suitable fonts for this purpose is
The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack. I like "PxPlus IBM VGA8" and "PxPlus IBM VGA9".
Finally, at least on Win7 x64, note that "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" key does not exist in the SOFTWARE hive from ISO, so the Wow6432Node mirroring command is not required in that case.