please never change...
And enterprises of great pitch and moment,With this regard their Currents turn awry,And lose the name of Action.
Always try to walk to the light
pre config 5 says windows 8 install.wim rather than Win8.1.
The possability to hide the "audio service is not running" icon in the taskbar if no audio drivers are installed\found.
The possability to use a common (selectable name and location ie: DVD:\boot\ tagfile for, and so OCD people like me with MANY boot.wims can have a cleaner DVD root on impossibly large AIO usbs.
The possability to add the option to apply a hotfix msu? There are often a few integrateable hotfixes for bootable media.
Now, the windows setup portion...
Using the same apps, overlay and drivers as Win8 pe the win8.1 pe is actually smaller (33 meg smaller, 332 meg), even though the source GA1 boot.wim i used was 40 meg larger than the Win8 source.
Just a small note on a minimum building in Win8.1SE...