Also, there is a syntax error in the nvda script for win10pese when running with PEBakery.
Or is win10PESE at end of life?
When checking most of the apps, winnt setup, firefox were out of date. Should we just focus on win10XPE or also aim for the winXXPESE projects?
Hello lancelot,Thanks for your reply. The syntax error is in the file 1-10_NVDA.Script, on line 79.
I have also tried building win10PeSe with builderSE.exe, but after updating with update exact and secure (with preserve plugin settings disabled, since it was freshly downloaded), I can't select a source: the set source button does nothing, and the other buttons are unlabeled and seem to give me upload/download/compare options.
It would also be cool if nvda could work under win10xpe. I wouldn't know how to get started though, the audio scripts would probably need some modification, maybe we can adapt some part of the win10pese nvda script, but I really don't know.
apparently the browse button is the third button after the first edit box.
Why not use BuilderSE.exe or Win10XPE.exe ?
Is there any update to get NVDA to work with the latest versions of NVDA and Windows XPE?