Would it be POSSIBLE to kept the usb as Y:\ Drive all the time ??
Which would be a BIG plus..
When you do a build into ram > the usb is assigned a random drive letter - would like to keep the USB as Y:\ drive all the time
that way we can build into ram and refer programs to, create shortcuts to, and refer to large files on Y:\
And also be able to Remount the Y:\ drive,, So another BIG plus..
Need to include an install.wim on the usb and run a deployment program that partitions the drive and applies the install.wim
So would be nice to always refer to Y:\ (instead of searching for the install.wim)
Also Windows 10 Reset and Refresh (Recovery) is just a Windows Only Recovery (Win10 No longer uses an OEM Recovery Image Partition) so now need to create a provisioning.ppkg to capture any customizations made to the installation and will need to run USMT from USB, so as to include the provisioning.ppkg, prior to the captured of the deployment install.wim