Topic: Best Remote Desktop to use for Win7PE SE?  (Read 1665 times)

Best Remote Desktop to use for Win7PE SE?
« on: March 31, 2017, 03:55:17 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Date Registered: Mar 2017
  • Posts: 19
I'm wondering if anyone can provide some suggestions on what software works best to have Win7PE SE act as a remote desktop server to accept a single connection.

I would like to use Win7PE to assist some of my family members when they have problems with Windows.  I have been using TeamViewer when Windows will boot.  I am looking for something to use when the system doesn't boot.

It would be helpful if the user interaction on the Win7PE system is simple.  Also, I understand that some versions of software may not work with Win7PE.  I don't mind a little bit more complication on my client computer or when building Win7PE but I don't want to reinvent the wheel either.

I mostly use a 32-bit BIOS booted Win7PE but I am starting to use a UEFI 64-bit build on newer computers.  I would like to find something that works for both 32-bit and 64-bit if possible.

Suggestions are appreciated, especially if they include some help about where to get the required plugins and application files.

Re: Best Remote Desktop to use for Win7PE SE?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2017, 08:35:36 AM »


  • Gena Baker
  • Grand Chef
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  • Date Registered: Sep 2010
  • Posts: 10350
All Remote connection related softwares available at:

\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Remote Connect

related info given on description or interface of these plugins

Very mostly starting with delay (30 seconds I guess) is most common solution to start any server at pe automatically

Personally I prefer not to do this step automatically.

I advice to provide 2 small cheap usb sticks to family members (32 / 64 bit) - up to number of pc and windowsOS on them

 Pc - It is easy to plugin a usb stick at back of pc , and forget it there forever till there is a problem
 Laptop - it is still possible to forget a mini usb stick and forget it there forever till there is a problem

and provide a document to give step by step instruction in case of emergency with a tutorial
1) insert usb stick (which stick -- better a photo of usb stick -- with a sign on stick via a knife, or paint or whatever )
2) perform full shutdown - (Maybe: win key + type run on screen + type shutdown ..... on screen)
2) press blabla key at boot
3) choose blabla on screen
4) wait
5) double click teamviewer or ammy admin  or whatever
6) call me on phone and give password (or send me a message I will call you or whatever)

==> you can create a topic here for that, with pictures etc. so family members can use as reference in case of emergency

After connection established, rest is on your hands  :smile:

I provide feedback to people that absolutely do not understand how pc works but only use browsers and office,
for many years, feedback goes fine and smooth with available and forgotten usb stick  :wink:



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