THX.. i tried other options , it worked and i understood.. 

Only 2 options i dont get it ..see the attached pic. when to use it... ?
For the first one, it is only if you want to use the ISO directly on your USB key, disk. To use in a multi-boot environment with others ISO or for use with other Tools (ex: rmprepusb).
Otherwise, it uses the files and folders as you saw, bootmgr, [Boot], [Programs], [Sources] with boot.wim inside.
For the second, this is an available option to manually add options in grub4dos menu.lst, if needed
Exemple, added an ISO:
title My ISO title,Append
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/MyISO.iso
map --mem /ISO/MyISO.iso (hd32)
map --hook
root (hd32)
chainloader (hd32)
There are many possible options in the project for advanced users.
As said above, If you don't know, it is better to leave the default options for not be lost otherwise they must be tested by you to fully understand.