The Oven
Project World => Win10PE SE HomePage => Win10 => Topic started by: cdpaola on December 20, 2016, 04:11:31 AM
Hi everybody, thanks for the program, but I am new in this and I have an error and do not know what to do:
IniRead - Failed to find file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10PESE\project.ini]
I follow the steps and try to create my first USB to Boot but without success, if anyone can help me please I appreciate it, I try to look for the file project.ini but I do not know where is located, I look at the folder where I extract the program, I called theOven and laso in the program I download today and looks like is missing or do I need to create it, please help me.
see FAQ and Tutorials at "FAQ & Tutorials" section of current forum.
:confused: I have looked all over this site and cannot find a link to the "FAQ & Tutorials" you referenced. Could you provide the link or describe how to find it?
Thank you very much! :grin:
OK. I followed the Tutorial.
- Downloaded the Release project to Q:\win10pe-builder.
- Extracted all the files from my Win10 Install DVD to Q:\Win10x64-iso (not just the ISO)
- Set Source to Q"\Win10x64-iso
- Extracted the Wim files as in the Tutorial
When I clicked the blue "play" arrow, I still get the error:
IniRead - Failed to find file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10PESE\project.ini]
What am I doing wrong?
Step 2+ should be "opened builderSE" and in my step 3, the quote sign should be a :
well the first thing to do is to see if the file it tells you is missing actually exists in your %basedir% e.g. q:\win10pe-builder
In q:\win10pe-builder you should see several files and folders, and there should be a projects folder and in that a Win10PESE folder which contains projects.ini
If not you have failed on step 1 - downloading and extracting the release project
I just downloaded the project again and here is a list of EVERYTHING in the specified folder:
Volume in drive Q is new-Q+U
Volume Serial Number is 585F-4660
Directory of Q:\win10pe-builder\Projects\Win10PESE
12/03/2015 02:02 PM <DIR> .
12/03/2015 02:02 PM <DIR> ..
07/29/2015 03:14 AM <DIR> Apps
11/02/2016 10:07 PM <DIR> Build
11/08/2016 07:34 PM <DIR> Components
12/16/2016 05:46 PM 67,252 config.script
07/29/2015 03:09 AM <DIR> Drivers
12/11/2015 08:52 AM <DIR> Finals
07/29/2015 05:47 AM 271 folder.project
12/02/2016 09:30 AM 93,860 Images.script
07/29/2015 03:09 AM <DIR> OtherOS
12/22/2016 05:29 PM 230,946 script.project
01/29/2016 04:34 AM 479,104 Share Plugins W10PE.script
11/02/2016 10:07 PM <DIR> Shell
11/08/2016 07:36 PM <DIR> Tweaks
12/02/2016 08:27 AM <DIR> Utils
09/10/2015 04:34 PM <DIR> VirtualTest
07/29/2015 03:14 AM <DIR> WriteMedia
5 File(s) 871,433 bytes
13 Dir(s) 358,992,777,216 bytes free
There is no project.ini file anywhere in that folder or its parents or children. This is where I got the zip file:
And here is the name of the file:
Open winbuilder and go to Images Configurations and at bottom click Save / Get Wim Info - this will create the project.ini file with all the correct information in it
See screenshot below:-
The bottom half of my corresponding window is empty (nothing below "Choose your image index".)
No "Save/Get Wim..." etc.
I found a tiny red [A] image/icon/link floating in the empty area and when I clicked on it, the bottom half info appeared with the Save button. It is running now. I'll post results tomorrow.
It failed. My screen has this info in the Images Configuration page:
Install.Wim: (empty)
[ ] Show Wim Tools Progress Version: (empty)
Install.wim Image Index Service Pack: (empty)
and a few more lines followed by a subwindow dialog with:
[checked ] Autodetect
[ ] Use your Extracted wim folders
and two empty dialog boxes for file names
Extracted BootWim [ ]
Extracted InstallWim [ ]
After clicking on Save/Get Wim Info they are still empty and the project.ini is not in the Project folder.
So I clicked on Use your Extracted wim folders then opened Utils\Extract Wim Folders and clicked on Goooo. The 2 dialog boxes are now filled in with:
Q:\Winx64-iso\sources\winre_wim\N and Q:\Winx64-iso\sources\install_wim\N respectively.
Went back to Image Config and clicked on Save/GetWimInfo.
Looked in winbuilder projects\WIN10PESE folder. Still no project.ini file.
setup the Main Configuration and click Save
Saved Main Configuration, reloaded the Wim stuff. Still no Project.ini file. :confused: What else am I not understanding? I think I have followed the tutorial precisely. I am not getting any errors indications at this point, but I know the actual "play" won't work because of the missing file.
The file is created by builder...
Re-extract the download to Q:\OVEN
Set your SOURCE (do not change anything else) > Q:\Win10x64 (renamed)
hit PLAY button
Please show source > Q:\Win10x64 file tree
Extracted winbuilder to Q:\OVEN. Renamed ISO folder to WIN10x64. Opened winbuilder, Inserted source folder name (WIN10x64). Clicked Play. Still failed. Here is the WIN10x64 file tree:
- boot
- efi
- sources
- support
- autorun.inf
- bootmgr
- bootmgr.efi
- MediaMeta.xml
- setup.exe
Did you check to see if the install.wim is in the source folder? Sometimes Microsoft uses install.esd.
Hopefully this helps.
Yes, install.wim IS in the Sources folder of Win10x64.
PS. Thanks for sticking closely with this problem. Hope you had a good New Year's eve. I only have one more day to work on it before going out of town. Hope you have an idea that gets it solved.
Hit the blue button. Then save the log file and post the log file.
How do I attach the log file? Or do I just copy & paste it?
Ah Ha.. Your media contains
which will not work............
You need to use a different Win10 Source Disk > download the New Windows 10 ISO from Techbench..
And where IS the log file??
downloading the ISO now. Then I will mount it and retry the build.
Downloaded the ISO. Mounted it. Set to build onto my USB drive (WriteMedia option 4). Clicked Play. Eventually, got a message "drive L: not found", but it kept processing. When done, USB drive is empty. And it never asked where the USB drive is located.
I think you are almost got it. In write media and (Copy to USB) just
click the green arrow and it will run that Plugin. Underneath where it
says (Please select the root directory of your USB-Device:) select our
drive where the USB is located. After you run the plugin you can check
the log and see if that plugin ran successfully. :scooter:
Hurray! The USB did get written. I'll boot it tomorrow AM to test it. THANK YOU!!! :w00t:
Is there a way to setup the script so it copies to USB as part of the regular run? I am hoping to add some portable apps and would like to streamline the process. I have been reading MaximumPC, where they describe the process. Also, I'm not really clear about the difference between the two "copy to USB" options.
Ah Ha.. Your media contains
Try to build Win10PESE with MediaMeta.xml (even empty) on your source :wink:
....... :whistling:
And ????
And ????
And you get project.ini error or ?
Boot started (USB 2.0). After 2 hrs, USB LED pulsed slowly and steadily but screen had gone black. Wiggled mouse and pressed cursor keys. No response. Could there be a relation to the fact that my REAL boot and "Documents" drives are SSD's running in AHCI mode (which required a registry tweak in Win 7 before I upgraded to Win10)? On my next build, I will do it onto a USB 3 stick for boot speed.
And ????
And you get project.ini error or ?
so I assume you get project.ini error, Wow