Gaining time is important when preparing or testing,
you make lots of builds to get a good result.
Here is another plugin, this will significantly speed up CreateISO - PostConfig stages
1) Best result, If you have lots of wasted ram, use a ramdisk, I have a 4GB ramdrive (3GB free) to test Projects.
(Ex: I use SoftPerfect - https://www.softperfect.com/products/ramdisk/
See SoftPerfect Ramdisk (+Junction) topic http://TheOven.org/index.php?topic=1203 )(
I use Qiling Disk Master Free - Ramdisk ( See "Tools and Utilities )
2) If you have another harddisk to junc, it will also help speed up

How to use current plugin:
* Select Your Other Disk Drive letter (Junc Drive)
* Enable plugin,
* Enable 'Junc Target'
* Enable 'Junc TargetImage' (For SE Projects)
Make your build

Although junction is a simple task, I use on projects for years now,
but writing a plugin for end user was not easy.
To Speed up builds,
We had made lots of code cleaning and lots of workarounds to current bug full builder,
On SE Projects,
Using Utils\'Extract Wim Folders' also helps speed up.
and now Junction plugin, to speed up more.
I don't think there can be more speed ups with current builder

And for quick Tests,
remember to use only basic plugins

Plugin available on
Gena\Basic\Build\'Junction' ( File Name: 2 - t_Junc.script)
WinSE\Build\'Junction' ( File Name: 0-preconfig_t_Junc.script)
Downloads\Build\Juncion Y
Tip: Win10PESE users can download plugin via Downloads\Build\Juncion Y
Have fun