Hello James
I tried what you said last night
That I have to press the blue play button
But then Winbuilder stops with the script (MiniTool Power Data Recovery v8.6)
Why do I get that error with that script
the installation file will be downloaded by winbuilder
there is an empty folder in ISO \ Programs
In the temp folder there is the folder with the installation file
Winbuilder wants to extract the file but it goes wrong with the 7z.dll file
Because the system cannot find the file
Below is the error in the log file
with the bold black letters
CopyOrExpand - Failed to copy [% BaseDir% \ Temp \ MiniToolPowerDataRecovery \ MiniToolPowerDataRecovery \ 7z, 2.dl_] to: [% BaseDir% \ ISO \ Programs \ MiniToolPowerDataRecovery \ 7z.dll]: The system cannot find the specified path
Who can give me a working solution
it depends on the script that I get the error
do more people suffer from this?
is it an error in the winbuilder program?
Greetings Dennis