New Provide Plugin is now available at Utils\PC Provide Files
Latest version available on Gena and SE projects
It creates a plugin with 'Provide Files' button,
I try to give popular situations with some Types,
"MultiArch - MultiExe - SameFolder"
"MultiArch - SameExe - DifferentFolder"
"MultiArch - SameExe - DifferentFolder - SubExeFolder"
--> Most of your plugins ;) that has one exe which mostly is x86
--> ProgramEXE is under a %ProgramFolder%\subfolder , Example Easus put its .exe under \bin
I practice an example with BlueScreenView
"MultiArch - MultiExe - SameFolder"
--> 2 different named executables, Example TotalCommander, HWMonitor ( HWMonitor_x32.exe, HWMonitor_x64.exe)
"MultiArch - SameExe - DifferentFolder"
--> like Nirsoft utilities , DriverView.exe available both x86 and x64
"MultiArch - SameExe - DifferentFolder - SubExeFolder"
--> like Acronis, they use same folder (Acronis) and different subfolder for their products (ex: DiskDirector)
I practice an example with DevManView using Nirsoft main folder ;) \NirSoft\DevManView\DevManView.exe
on provide "Provide Plugin" interface,
Choose Type
Choose New file name
It will give you a Plugin Template which you can easly modify to your needs. Read HistoryNotes ...
Further There is "Example" button that will give you working example of plugin types
(it will extract provided files for the examples ;) )
Plugin now have option to add Plugin Logo (Optional .exe location)
This option also is standalone,
after pointing to .exe file,
you can extract .ico of executables with 'rounded green play' button..
Useful if you want to add logo later
"Pack To Desktop" button creates 7z archive to desktop, if there is same file previously it deletes without asking
ps: You may need to refresh desktop ( press keyboard F5 ) to see archive on desktop.
It will give you chance to share plugin+files with others
ps: I could not figure out if it is possible to add files to 7z archive under \Workbench\Common subfolder , which I feel would ease instruction..
I can not cover all situations,
besides I hope these "Plugin Creator" s helps starting new plugins easly with proper syntax.
See Infos/Links on
Plugin Creator Packed topic
Plugin Creator Packed is the main plugin creator of projects, provide infos with all links from there