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Project World => Win8.1 SE HomePage => Topic started by: EGruber1 on February 02, 2015, 02:00:33 PM

Title: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: EGruber1 on February 02, 2015, 02:00:33 PM

first of all thank you very much for your project! I am trying to install a program (VMWare VSphere Client) in a running Win81SE-system and the installer says 'out of space on drive X:' . So my question: is it possible to adjust the space given to drive x:? Or is it possible to pre-install the VSphere-Client within WinBuilder?

thank you very much for your help!


E. Gruber
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: was_JFX on February 02, 2015, 02:06:40 PM
In "Build\2 - Shell & Config" you can set the FBWF size to define X: ramdisk size.
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: KYHI on February 02, 2015, 02:09:31 PM
there is a max 1GB selection size - can that be increased?
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: was_JFX on February 02, 2015, 02:15:03 PM
Well you can try to increase it and check what happens,
but according to Microsoft it's range have to be between 16MB and 1024MB.
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: KYHI on February 02, 2015, 02:52:40 PM

Added 2048 to the selection box - but error can not extract fbwf_2048.cfg

Obviously because the cfg is not there
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: Lancelot on February 02, 2015, 03:04:17 PM
As default build,
 Temp already out of x: to give you space for installers,
  I remember fbwf have compression feature, but cause more trouble on such scenario of installer,
   if possible better install to another directory (maybe ramdrive),
     and maybe if possible get regshots to create a plugin.

And as JFX say, try it and see what happens to.

ps: common logic, if fbwf_2048.cfg not exists, create one fbwf_2048.cfg (cheat by checking fbwf_1024.cfg) and add yourself ;)

aside KYHI,
about other topic,
 do NOT duplicate topic again,
 We all came from other forums, that people like to break peace for their personal agenda (mostly $ goals, rarely simple selfishness, ...... ),
  by post games, violating any common sense, and self respect, ....
    we do not have any tolerance to people who tend to break peace around TheOven.
     we do no care member # around here, we have no advertisement, no $ goal,
      as a result we together peacefully develop highly detailed nice projects at all hobby time since many years which you are testing now.
       This is first (1.5) and last warning, use common sense, follow plugin topics where available, and open topics if not.
        Try to be nice and don't spend others valuable hobby time.

Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: KYHI on February 02, 2015, 04:58:34 PM
I am 52 - Have not worked in 3 years - have lung cancer - and sit in front of my PC all day... I came across this project and have been playing with it - as it gives me something to do..

The comment - try it - I did - it pulled an error.. No personal agenda, just something to try..
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: Lancelot on February 02, 2015, 05:14:42 PM
Hi Kyhi,

Don't mix 2 part of message, split  :thumbsup:
(We have many attacks in the past... long story.. )

I wish in time things get better with your health :thumbsup:

I hope you can produce solution I posted about you failure.

Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: KYHI on February 02, 2015, 05:46:37 PM
thought about cheating, but assumed lines=0, 0=  was more of the cfg for 1GB ram

But anyway even to add your suggestion is way above my head..

I understand the line - to tell it to create a 2048 cfg - but where to add and how to refer - pulls a blank with me..

I write dos batch files.. that's pretty much the stage I'm at..

But I kinda understand (can follow) the script commands..
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: Lancelot on February 02, 2015, 06:21:34 PM

I just added
Q: How to get (extract) / add attached files inside plugins ?

you will find other useful things at FAQ  :wink:

See You
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: EGruber1 on February 03, 2015, 08:14:25 AM
Thank you very much for your answers. Sorry but I'm still not very familiar with the script editor. I'm trying to add an option for 2048 MB RAM. I was able to add a line 2048 to the listbox. I also was able to extract the file fbwf_1024.cfg, but I think it isn't enough to rename the file to fbwf_2048.cfg and add it again. What has the Contents of this file to be (it is binary)? Maybe it is possible to give a step-by-step instruction?


E. Gruber
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: ChrisR on February 03, 2015, 03:01:48 PM
Here are some links, I let you see if interested
Guide to using FBWF on Windows XP Pro  (
Sizing PE's RAM Drive (
FBWF Manager (Standard 8) (

I added fbwf-2048.cfg in addition to the choice for 2048 MB FBWF Cache size.
With a messaeg when selecting:
Only the x64 build can support 2048 MB FBWF Cache size.
If 2048 Mb is chosen for the x86 build, the cache size will be set to its maximum 1024 MB.
Let me know how it works ? Why do you need so much ?

Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: EGruber1 on February 03, 2015, 03:43:37 PM

I added fbwf-2048.cfg in addition to the choice for 2048 MB FBWF Cache size.
With a messaeg when selecting:
Only the x64 build can support 2048 MB FBWF Cache size.
If 2048 Mb is chosen for the x86 build, the cache size will be set to its maximum 1024 MB.
Let me know how it works ? Why do you need so much ?

(Attachment Link)

I try to install the VMware VSPhere Client in a running Win81SE. I extracted the VSphere-msi and the msi-Installer says 'not enough space on drive X:'. We are working in a school and our goal is to run the VSphere-Client in a Windows-Environment that cannot be destroyed by our students. So we try to use a PXE-booted WinPE that looks every time the same regardless of that what people are doing.
So I first would like to see if VSpere-Client is running in Win81SE. But after that it is still not clear how I could get an installed Version of VSPhere-Client into Win81SE.

E. Gruber


Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: EGruber1 on February 03, 2015, 06:10:08 PM
I added fbwf-2048.cfg in addition to the choice for 2048 MB FBWF Cache size.

(Attachment Link)

Thank you very much again, but I think there is an error in your script. It stops building because it can not extract the file fbwf-2048.cfg. I replaced all occurences of fbwf-2048.cfg I found with fbwf_2048.cfg but it did not solve the problem. Now the error is 'Failed to expand file fbwf_2048.cfg'.

Can you please help me to solve the problem?

Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: ChrisR on February 03, 2015, 09:13:06 PM
Oups  :embarrassed: I reattached fbwf_2048.cfg with the correct file name.
I have not tested until the end but it should be better now.

Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: KYHI on February 04, 2015, 07:24:21 AM
Just testing a 1.1GB iso build  all in ram - still have 1.3GB of free space..  Only thing I did notice and without changing any other settings, is that command prompt was not pinned to taskbar or start menu.. although was in start menu folder
and them where selected as pins
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: ChrisR on February 04, 2015, 09:00:39 AM
well seen  :thumbsup:
In 2-Shell&Config, I change the start menu shortcut folder for cmd.exe.
The shortcut is now created in "System Tools" folder.
It allows to get the Localized File Name for the Command Prompt.lnk  :thumbsup:

By cons, I forgot to change the path in "Finals\1 - Pins" plugin. It is done now and on server.
Code: [Select]
"$Start_Menu\Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt.lnk"
The Pin shortcut name is also Localized here.

FYI, the cmd desktop shortcut is not Localized. desktop.ini is removed here, to avoid having it displayed on desktop.
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: Lancelot on February 04, 2015, 10:16:11 AM

Just testing a 1.1GB iso build  all in ram - still have 1.3GB of free space..

As JFX indicated,
Well you can try to increase it and check what happens,
but according to Microsoft it's range have to be between 16MB and 1024MB.

2048 is an experimental option for the ones who want to try and see what happens,
 (Seeing Believing)
  who knows ms may improve fwbf in time, they did in the past  :wink:

Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: KYHI on February 05, 2015, 01:37:32 AM
it appears that using the script - that in a 1024 build - it blue screens when boot winse, everytime so far for me..

Edit: a little to hasty as I reverted back to old files and it still blue screened.. The only testing difference from yesterday and today was this and aomie backerupper script..

Well, is was aomie causing the issue, de-selected backerupper and booted right up, no blue screen..
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: Lancelot on February 05, 2015, 02:49:32 AM
You need available ram KYHI, when you fill wim file, you loose available ram... bsod ....

Lots of things you can find around....

Take it easy, slowly slowly  :great:

Have fun

Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: KYHI on February 05, 2015, 03:49:15 PM
system has 24GB ram, so are you kinda saying aomie may need more then a 1GB ram build? I'll will test aomie with a 2GB ram build
the ISO is 721MB

one thing I did notice is that - the "system loading bar" loads once real fast and then loads again at normal speed..

This is not an aomie thread, so I will stop here..
Title: Re: Increase size of drive X?
Post by: Lancelot on February 05, 2015, 06:21:02 PM
and you test on system ?
or virtually ? (-> ex: with a \VirtualTest plugin)

if 1st, than you are right, you have all enough ram.

if 2nd, you need to increase your Virtual Machine ram

if this is not all about ram, but only AOMEI,
 I don't know the answer, ChrisR is very good plugin author,
   Since ChrisR already wrote he last tested with v2.1.0, try with AOMEI v2.1.0 to be sure ..

Well, let us know when you get things on right line  :thumbsup:
 We can not know all situations, these are all contribution projects  :great:
  Project developers mostly focus on projects running smooth (which you get ;) ),
     for other things feedback required  :great:

See You