it is possible to add chinese language. First add the builderlanguagefile for china. Copy the file "04.txt" in Lang folder and restart the builder. Now press the info button on main screen and select china. on a china pc is automatic detected.
Normal show the builder chinese language. The Builder support more language in the script interface.
Default is [Interface] = english and [Interface.07] = german in the baseproject.
For chinese script language use the "Update Center" under utils. Press the button "Start Update Center" in the WinXPE-project.
for now only the WinXPE-Project have more language. Current France, Spain, italia, Chinese available.
Mark the language for your script and download it. The Update Center replace allways the second language in the script.
[Interface.07] to [Interface.04].
Why replace the Interface ?
The reason, so that the script does not inflate due to the languages and stays slim and fast.
All scripts translate with google translate.
Here example WinXPE project
Ramdisk script