The Oven

Tool World => Development and code snippets => Topic started by: bob.omb on January 23, 2018, 06:17:25 AM

Title: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: bob.omb on January 23, 2018, 06:17:25 AM
Internet Explorer 11 - x64 - v.7

[attach=1]     [attach=2]

[attach=3]     [attach=4]

HTML5 video and Flash are now working, as well as F12 debug, thank you mynhow  :thumbsup: , and more search engines.

Win10PESE x64
.NET Framework 4.0/4.5 minimum
Administrator account (LoginAsAdmin plugin) required for downloads to work - Looking into a fix for this.

-->(Compatible with Java plugin but not needed. -<--

Plugin Attached Below (Updated to v.7 on 05/05/18):

Place the test plugin in %BaseDir%\Projects\MyPlugins_Direct\Components\

**Now supports v1803
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Developement
Post by: vvurat on January 23, 2018, 06:37:15 AM
Thank you. Glitches are probably because of directx, opengl etc issues.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Developement
Post by: bob.omb on January 23, 2018, 02:56:39 PM
I was hoping to get help fixing the plugin in before I cleaned everything up and create interface for homepage and search provider etc..

This version contains packed IE files, the final version will source them from install.wim

Not sure what the glitch is from maybe tabbed browsing? Will look into it more when I have time, very hopeful to find fix for this to upload this to the plugin section

**Edit: All fixed

IF during testing if IE freezes/glitches in a loop, just grab the window and drag it out of the way then use Taskmgr to kill process... It keeps taking focus and makes regular windows function impossible but you CAN move the window out of the way... :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Developement
Post by: bob.omb on January 25, 2018, 05:47:04 AM
***Plugin updated in original post

Test plugin in original post is now fixed to load pages correctly. (Thanks noelBlanc for pointing me in the right direction)  :great:

My goals for getting the rest of this plugin finished and eventually moving it to the forums plugin section are as follows:

Get video to play correctly (HTML5/Flash) - Example: youtube videos
Make compatible with x86/x64 10PESE
Source all needed files from install.WIM instead of packed files Done
Check registry keys to make sure all references are present or included in plugin if not present in basic build.
Add homepage option to plugin interface Done
Add search provider option to plugin interface Done

Files found so far that need to be added:
System32\Macromed\*.*  <-- Flash files ~24mb - Moving these in place with existing keys does not solve video issue by itself..

If anyone has anything to add or would like to contribute please feel free...
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Developement
Post by: Lancelot on January 26, 2018, 10:00:27 AM
If anyone has anything to add or would like to contribute please feel free...


Source all needed files from install.WIM instead of packed files
This is enough to me to add to project server.  :great:

I can handle regoverwrite on plugin before put to server  :thumbsup:

I advise you to check other IE related plugins.

HomePage see:
Gena\Components\Core\1 System\IE Settings
If you can check plugin and figure out compatibility with SE, I will be glad to put it to \Downloads\  :thumbsup:

Flash see:
Downloads\ComponentsY\IE Flash (ActiveX only)
(also available at Win7PESE and Win8PESE)

Flash not urgent at all.
Keep in mind, IE flash uses different file than FireFox (in the past, probably still)

This may give you fun time
Downloads\ComponentsY\Internet Favorites

I can not join party, only following forum for now..... work time...
I hope above helps.... :turtle:
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Developement
Post by: bob.omb on January 27, 2018, 05:30:54 AM
Plugin updated in original post.  Sourced all files from %InstallSRC%.  Fixed some paths in registry keys.  Added option to include Flash ActiveX Files (Registry Keys still needed for Flash)

More work (Homepage and search provider) tomorrow.. :sleep:
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: bob.omb on January 28, 2018, 02:14:46 AM
Updated plugin in original post.  New Features: Ability to set the Home Page, and ability to switch between default search providers from interface.


Next I think I will add Favorites  :wink: and hopefully someone can help with video but until then I will keep trying...Also I will eventually add more search providers as development continues, right now you are able to select from between Bing or Google..
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: mynhow on February 15, 2018, 02:48:16 PM

I downloaded your plugin to test and managed it to work playing video. Also it is more stable without random crashes.

I've tested here with a default build, x64, full copy and testing in VM. It works fine, no crashes or freezes.

I'll do more tests and I'll share if I find something else. Hope this helps.

Files Required attached below.

Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: bob.omb on February 15, 2018, 06:20:12 PM
Is there anything else you changed?  I tried adding the files in your list to the existing plugin and still cannot get video to play correctly..

Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: mynhow on February 15, 2018, 06:47:47 PM

I did a new build with Win 10 1709 x64 en-us iso and with Full Copy files on Winbuilder.

My build includes: Full .Net Framework, Microsoft Visual C++, VSS, your plugin and Process monitor.

Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: mynhow on February 15, 2018, 07:47:35 PM

Found the problem. Happens with builds made with Copy File Standard. Some files were missing.

Missing Files for Standard builds attached below.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: bob.omb on February 16, 2018, 12:08:44 AM
Perfect!  :cheers:

Thanks mynhow!

Plugin updated to v.2 in original post with credit given...

EDIT: Also added ieUnatt.exe -and- iedkcs32.dll and their .mui's for the Internet Options>Advanced>Reset option to reset all settings to defaults..
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: mynhow on February 16, 2018, 03:43:48 AM
Hi Bob.

Thank you too. Plugin works fine. Tested here and IE is great.  :great:

Yes, I was doing some tests here and I saw these two files too. Also Found more dependencies when doing tests with videos and downloads.

File list attached below.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: bob.omb on February 16, 2018, 09:21:23 AM
Added the rest of the dependencies, all video I have tested is now working perfectly.

 New Features: Obviously...Video is now working...and also added the ability to add favorites (.url files) via plugin interface..

Plugin updated in original post.


I will try to add more search providers asap...
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: mynhow on February 16, 2018, 05:54:39 PM
Hi Bob.

Testing here I've found that Internet Options > F12 Developer Tools is not working. To fix this copy the folder "F12" to system32.

I don't know how useful this tool is, so it's up to you to implement or not.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: bob.omb on February 17, 2018, 01:45:24 PM
Added F12 option

Added Yahoo! and DuckDuckGo to search provider list... (Now offers Bing, Google, Yahoo!, or DuckDuckGo)

Would have posted this sooner but I was working on getting shockwave to work with no luck..very close but for now the plugin is working very well without it..

Also confirmed flash is working perfectly now...

Plugin updated in original post to v3

Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: teik on February 18, 2018, 10:26:54 AM
Hi bob.omb
Would it be possible to make one of the Edge browser? I like its design but I think that in the base it depends on the Internet explorer.
Regards  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Development
Post by: bob.omb on February 18, 2018, 02:48:11 PM
hi tiek,

   Edge browser uses the modern UI.  No one has gotten this working yet, it doesn't seem easy.  But as soon as I can find a good place to start I'll open a thread and pray for help  :lol:

IE is a feature of windows not just a program(one of the reasons i put it in my "MyPlugins_Direct\Components" section), and in general, several things seem to depend on IE which is why I think we needed this plugin for further progress in other areas.  It is a very small step though..
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: teik on February 20, 2018, 09:42:40 AM
Hi bob.omb,

Thank you very much, I see that you are learning a lot and you are doing a very good job. My sincerest congratulations.  :great:
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: bob.omb on February 20, 2018, 05:17:19 PM
Credit for this plugin is shared with mynhow and noelBlanc. My input was also helped with references used from Lancelot, 2aCD, and ChrisR's works....

Many thanks to them as well....

**Re-uploaded Plugin to add credit to noelBlanc
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: bob.omb on March 14, 2018, 04:08:45 PM
Plugin Interface (only) updated.  Version changed to v.4

Original post updated.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: bob.omb on April 03, 2018, 02:14:07 AM
Updated plugin to v5 in original post.


Code: [Select]

For embedded MP3 audio  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: bob.omb on April 13, 2018, 03:56:31 AM
Plugin updated in original post to v.6

*Added compatibility for Component Plugin Cache
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: bob.omb on May 06, 2018, 12:24:08 AM
Plugin updated in original post to v.7

*Added compatibility for Win10 v1803
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: teik on May 07, 2018, 01:49:48 PM
What can be downloaded without being an administrator, could you get it? Is that every time I use the logon admin script, I create a folder in the menu called startup (home in Spanish) that is empty and I can not delete it.
I can delete those of the default user since they are already created, but not those of the administrator since they are resumed during the boot.
That's why I was asking if something could be done to not need administrator credentials.

Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: bob.omb on May 20, 2018, 08:13:41 PM
If you delete default user startup folder when admin script is used it should fix...
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: teik on May 21, 2018, 01:27:01 PM
If you delete default user startup folder when admin script is used it should fix...
How do I do it? Try hiding it from the pecmd file. But it does not work either.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: bob.omb on June 01, 2018, 04:47:26 PM
If you delete default user startup folder when admin script is used it should fix...
How do I do it? Try hiding it from the pecmd file. But it does not work either.

I must have been busy when you posted this because I don't remember seeing it.  Sorry about the wait for an answer..

A while back I was also having issues removing the Startup folder, I couldn't identify what was creating it, it seemed like during boot it would appear no matter what I did. 

I was suggesting to you to add after loginasadmin in some plugin to delete the folder like: (I would make a variable instead of retyping the path in each section but this is so you can see what it is)
Code: [Select]
If,ExistDir,%TargetDir%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup,Shellexecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C rd /s /q #$q%TargetDir%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup#$q"
If,ExistDir,%TargetDir%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup,Call,DirDelete,%TargetDir%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

I didn't try the above method, but if it works its better than what I am currently doing..

What I do.. Is add a delete command for the folder during boot in the autorun.cmd - The easiest way to do this is with ComponentsY>Additional Registry

In the end of the [Registry Main] section add the below lines:
Code: [Select]
// <----------Additional AutoRun - Anything formatted correctly below this line runs LAST on boot---------->
// Remove Startup folder from StartMenu
  TXTAddLine,%Target_Sys%\autorun.cmd,"RD /s /q #$qX:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup#$q",Append

If you do not use loginasadmin plugin change the username in the path above: Administrator ===> Default
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: teik on June 02, 2018, 04:33:49 PM
Hi @bob.omb

Thank you very much. Solved. I was tired of the empty folder appearing.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 11 - Win10PESE x64 - Plugin
Post by: eswaralal on August 06, 2018, 10:26:45 AM
Do we have any script to add IE to x86 Build , If its  please share the script that would be great.

Thanks in advance.....