GDay Folks,
It's been a while since I did any WinBuilding and I seem to have run into a snag with some of my old scripts. I used to build using WinBuilder 77 and Win7Rescue but that project is no longer maintained.
In Win7Rescue adding into the registry looked like this:
reg_add,0x2,"%reg%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WinRAR.exe","","#$pProgramFiles#$p\%ProgramFolder%\WinRAR.exe"
But this does not work when building in WinBuilder 82 and Win7PE SE. I have tried several ways including using the template in WinBuilder 82 but I am doing something wrong and it doesn't work for me :(
Would someone kindly show me what the correct command looks like in Win7PE SE please?