Quite out of topic, here is another weird hardware problem I faced just yesterday,
Increasing resolution to 1280x1024x32 , with 75hz , on a lcd monitor, cause frequent reboots,
reported to me after some hours I left
and be sure it is not easy to catch that on phone

Lowering to 60hz solved

Suspect GPU or PowerSupply
( Since gpu and monitor nicely support this resolutions, maybe gpu fan (hopefully will be tested after some months), maybe powersupply (I hate on board powersupplies))
I can not physically check hardware deeply anymore ....
I hate hardware problems....
Well it is not related with Aeolis problem, but who knows above mini info may help you one day

I remember I had moved mouse at boot (as decribed by Aeolis) in order not to loose it

, but many years ago, I can not remember conditions....
Edit: Further of current post is only a ChangeLog template for next package....
black red yellow pink green orange purple blue
beige brown teal navy maroon limegreen white
INFO from slore Reply 135
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2390.msg32885#msg32885Public tests is a good social experience for the developers to see behaviors of end users and to create out of the box working stable solutions.
For 19H1,20H1 already got feedback than RS5 tested.
* StartMenu reboot button will block.
StartIsBack needs to update to 2.8.4
* [known]Dism.exe can't work(Russian friend's PE is same).
needs set workgroup.
startnet.exe token 14 seconds, PECMD call is fine.
without PECMD, In startnet.cmd I try to use ChrisR's SetWG.exe.
it is OK, but it check lanmanstation service which is not necessary, I will feedback later.
* Services.msc got error(explorer.exe).
iframe.dll(12MB) -> mshtml.dll(22MB) -> Chakra.dll(7 MB) => needs JScript/HTA.
(I got solution now)
* devmgmt.msc can't work
wbem\WMI*.dll is required.
I will not update the WimBuilder2.part1,2.rar frequently ....
please use git pull or download from github if you got the same issues.
slore Reply 2
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2795.msg32886#msg32886It Checks if the LanmanWorkstation service is Running and Start it Otherwise
some PE don't have wkssvc.dll, so the LanmanWorkstation service can't be started.
I tested startnet.exe(token long time) or CALL $Netapi32.dll,NetJoinDomain,,WORKGROUP,,,,1, then Dism.exe can mount wim without error.
In some case, there is no PECMD, so, will you leave an option --- do not check the service?
INFO from slore Reply 110
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2390.msg32804#msg32804compmgmt.msc needs jscript (custom msc with devmgmt,diskmgmt,services is OK)
diskmgmt.msc needs WMI (diskpart.exe, PartitionGuru is OK)
bitlocker needs WMI
shortcut's opencontainingfolder menu needs ieframe.dll(12MB) (WinXShell.exe has wxsStub.dll(100kb))
URL assocation(http/ms-settings) needs ieframe.dll [ms-settings:taskbar] (modify registy + binmay)
INFO from slore
If you want to use Dism in WinPE, set WORKGROUP before using dism command.
startnet.exe -wg WORKGROU
slore reply 1
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2795.msg32823#msg32823Someone report that startnet.exe maybe fail, I thought to create a <3kB C program.
But they give a line to use PECMD.exe.
startnet.exe -wg WORKGROUP || pecmd.exe CALL Netapi32.dll,NetJoinDomain,,WORKGROUP,,,,1
next package after Win10PE_SE_2019-03-16:
TODO: FireFox Sounds
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2781.0TODO: Lancelot: PECMD options
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2777TODO: Bob.Omb: Logon Admin options
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2778 (enable Logon Admin plugin but login as System )
TODO: Bob.Omb: Logon Admin -> missed Slide to Shutdown picture (missed copy .jpg file I guess ;) )
TODO: Lancelot: Hotkey options for pecmd
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2777.0TODO: Lancelot: JFX -> ADK4 (Windows 8.0) have the last tools that work on XP. ==> Write Instruction including hostos support ...
+ Instruction -> none Media Creation source. + no AV
Next Release preparations:
Lancelot: DXCore.dll joinutil.dll netprovfw.dll umpdc.dll -> let me quick boot to cmd.
So far I see slore add
umpdc.dll to wow64 and IE
DXCore.dll to IE
joinutil.dll -> switch to admin with a note "in winre.wim"
and nothing about netprovfw.dll ---> well I can not get cmd shell screen without netprovfw.dll ....
I agree "1 - Copy Files" is the right place for these 4 files
Also umpdc.dll should be added to WOW64 plugin.
Joinutil.dll and netprovfw.dll looks more like a silly bug made by MS, so maybe future version will not need them...
commit 2673178f Support Windows 10 19H1 source/00-Configures/Build/
+ver > 18300
commit fdcec843 fix issue that 19H1,20H1 can't switch to Administrator account.(yamingw)/00-Configures/System/
+ver > 17700
+ver > 18300
commit 13bc0470 update 19h1 support/00-Configures/System/
rem add all as default
set VER_CNAME=.*.
if %VER[3]% GTR 17000 set VER_CNAME=.rs4.
if %VER[3]% GTR 17700 set VER_CNAME=.rs5.
if %VER[3]% GTR 18300 set VER_CNAME=.19h1.
; 1709 uses Xaml.Resources.dll,1803 uses Xaml.Resources.rs4.dll and 1809 uses Xaml.Resources.rs5.dll, ...
; Keep both for compatibility with both versions
+ver > 18300
if %VER[3]% GTR 18300 (
call RegCopy %1\Microsoft\FuzzyDS
I saw that WOW6432Node\Microsoft\FuzzyDS is not included in install.wim but are there once installed.
To get it at build time, I did it like that:
ShellExecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C Reg Copy #$qHKLM\Tmp_Software\Microsoft\FuzzyDS#$q #$qHKLM\Tmp_Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\FuzzyDS#$q /S /F"
If there is no FuzzyDS in WOW6432Node, then needn't copy them from Tmp_Software\Microsoft.
I tested IME in 32 bit APPs, it works.
By the way,
For the latest 19H1,20H1 version, it needs more registy items.
IME works with full SOFTWARE only now(WimBuilder v2019.03.31).
(Edited: Confirmed Software\Microsoft\Input is required)And the candidate words bar is changed to be MetroApp,
so you can't select the words, needs type a phrase for inputing words you want,
otherwise the first candidate word will be inputted.
I have to seperate the IME indicator, and add 3rd part Input Method software.
+ver > 18300
commit 24fd326a fix issue that 19H1,20H1 can't use IME.(yamingw) /01-Components/
commit 1446ea0e update New Browse Dialog for the latest 19H1,20H1(JFX)/01-Components/00-Shell/
+ver <= 17700 or (ver > 18334 and ver < 18800) or ver > 18836
; remove ver check (add with any ver)
SystemResources\Windows.UI.Logon folder gets Switch to Admin work
Wlansvc not start solution:
commit 982e7c22 remove WcmSvc from Wlansvc service's DependOnServicewcmsvc which does not start and so wlansvc
However, I think I found, The netprofm service, not written as dependency, seems necessary.
I need more testing but it looks good with only the netprofm registry services even disabled, Start=4 and without files dependencies.
it looks good with the netprofm service even disabled
With Network additions, I will add the netprofm service with start=4 disabled
But yes it's worth a try with the full software hive and without network additions
and to remove wcmsvc as a wlansvc dependency.
It is fine if it works like that.
Without the need for "network additions" dependency for DotNEt and Admin (they use the full Software)
New menu requires AppRepository
After 10.0.10240, no need AppRepository for New Menu.
And another point that make New Menu works, why put them in WOW64 plugin?
Some ChrisR Notes for mui mun files
; cdosys.dll.mui (Orphan Resources Files) - cdosys.dll does not exit in winre.wim but it exists in install.wim
; clfs.sys.mui (Orphan Resources Files) - clfs.sys is in drivers folder
; dxgkrnl.sys.mui (Orphan Resources Files) - dxgkrnl.sys is in drivers folder
; dxgmms2.sys.mui (Orphan Resources Files) - dxgmms2.sys is in drivers folder
; mpsdrv.sys.mui (Orphan Resources Files) - mpsdrv.sys is in drivers folder
; psmodulediscoveryprovider.mfl (Orphan Resources Files) - same in winre.wim or install.wim
; Windows.CloudStore.dll.mui (Orphan Resources Files) - it is done intentionally, the mui is required for Pintool but not the dll
; wcncsvc.dll.mui (Orphan Resources Files) - wcncsvc.dll does not exit in SysWOW64\en-US\ same in winre.wim or install.wim
There is also: \Windows\SystemResources\Taskmgr.exe.mun added bur it is not necessary with the old boot.wim task manager
exclude anomalies for drivers, if finished by ".sys.mui"
And When time allows, I'll add maybe an ini file with an exclusion list
Win10PE_SE_2019-XX-XX - Package
Thanks to all who feedback so far.
Changelog:New \TweaksY\Theme\
Theme - MS Windows Media Player - WIEBENOR Plugin - Thanks to WIEBENOR
* \Build\
Themes Plugin - updated Thanks to JFX
* \Drivers\
DrvInstPatch Plugin - updated Thanks to JFX
* \Apps\File Tasks\
Total Commander Plugin updated v9.22a
* \Apps\HD Tasks\
Active@ Partition Manager 6 Plugin fixed Thanks to cretino and thanks to jmsallo for reporting.
* \Apps\Network\
Mozilla FireFox ESR (P) Plugin updated - Thanks to Nikky for Custom Profile option.

* \Apps\Security\Passwords\
Windows Login Unlocker Plugin updated - Thanks to CryptoNick (Joker-2003) for all updates.

* \Apps\System Tools\Explorer Addons\
ExeProperties (ExtraBit) Plugin - updated to v1.4.1.0
* \Apps\System Tools\Explorer Addons\
HashTab v5 v6 (olegpov) Plugin - updated to v6.0.0.4
* \Apps\Network\Firewall\
Simplewall Plugin updated v2.4.6.0
* \Downloads\
Download Plugins X Plugins Improved - Lancelot Now Provide Full DownloadX List
--> using feature
Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox:Slovak Translation Added - Thanks to Brahma
Win7PE SE,
Win8PE SE,
Win8.1SE also updated with related changes.
Win10PE SE Downloads PageEnjoy!