There have been Several Reports of Rufus failing to Boot a Legacy System when Using NTFS Partition Format
UEFI System do not seem to be effected.... And you only reported "will NOT boot on every machine"
Insert Win10XPE Media
Open Command Prompt (admin) > Type
List volume
Select volume X (where X is the USB volume drive number)
List Partition
Post a Screenshot of command windows
To Fix - Do Not use Rufus...
The following Setup assumes a USB Flash Drive with enough space to create a 8GB Fat32 Partition & the Remainder of space as NTFS Partition
List volume
Select volume X (where X is the USB drive letter.)
Create partition primary size=8192
Format FS=FAT32 quick
Create partition primary
Format FS=NTFS quick
Use Copy/Paste to copy the contents of Mounted Win10XPE*.iso to the Fat32 Partition
But use what ever Project works best for you.... As the Choice is Yours
If anyone is interested, I've created an x86 Video driver cab for use with DriverSod by repacking the x86 GFX PE drivers created by Sergei Strelec that can be found here:
The file can be downloaded from Mega at the below link should anyone be interested. The file size is 167.4 MB:
Below is a list (txt file) of the 2700+ supported devices: