I have been asked to recreate the XPE AddOn Pack..These are some of the Additional Plugins - from my Host...I assume the Base Directory is D/Win10XPE - So, You need to Merge the AddOnPack "Win10XPE" Folder with Base Directory "Win10XPE" FolderWin10XPE_AddOn_2019-01-09.7z Hosted By Mega
The Issue I Also Seem To Have - Is The Download Demand On My Free Cloud Accounts...Thus Over Time Forum Attachment Links Are Removed... Due To Sharing Of Link...
Your post shows It seems to be early to share experience since you seem to not feel troubles for now, Besides I am sure in the end (we made after some years) you will do similar going on the same path. Circle development: one way or another always go to the same directions or motivation lost during the path. Most important: very valuable time lost.
Download the XPE Project File and extract the file...Copy Win10XPE folder to your Data Drive. (I prefer to use my D drive rather then my C Drive as to keep away from OS..If using Windows 10 as your Host OS - you will need to allow a Windows Defender "Exception" for the Win10XPE folder ( I would suggest the same exception for any A/V software) in order to allow the program exe's to run without being blocked....
Hi,I am trying to find a direct link to your latest win 10 version of winpe with all the apps and I cannot seem to find a working link?? Can you help me and send me a direct working link? I would greatly appreciate it...Every link I click on just seems to take me to some other add website and wants me to download some other software that I dont want or need..Thanks