besides, as far as I remember, disks created by "Disk Management" of nt6x may have troubles with "Disk Management" of nt5x ?! I can not be specific about this subject ...
BTW: Be careful with GPT support of Gena, it doesn't solve the 2 TB limit.
I have used other tools before, incl. Disk Director, but I've had problems with it. I know these problems could as well have existed "between keyboard and chair" (=me), but still...
When I look at your replies, I will stick to W7PESE for now to create 3 partitions like this, until I learn more about everything. I was just wondering why it didn't work with "peXP" (Gena).
So if an older PC can only use Gena (from CD), I know that the best thing to do is to let Gena (xp-diskmanagement) partition the disk (the whole disk), that way there will hopefully be no inconsistencies between OS's/ alignments, etc.
That is the reason I like "Active@ Partition Manager" , small, portable, easy, free, UpToDate and enough to me
I will try it right now, I'll let you know!
My starting point is: "For multiple OS's on primary partitions, hidden from eachother, best way is to use Win7/8PESE diskmanagement to make the partitions and use JFX's WinNTSetup to do the OS installs".So until proven otherwise,