function get_subdirs(parentdir) { var arr = new Array(); alert(parentdir); var folder = fso.GetFolder(parentdir); <--- here got the errror Path not found, let us to see the path of parentdir.
Do not mix XPEPlugins with Plugins.
The easy way for wimbuilder is, a general patch which edits its ui only to add shortcut with an example shortcut syntax (2 lines with Desktop and StartMenu which most people ask) and a small instruction (opendir button) to put files\Apps\"Applications" Patchhaving a button "_Custom_Files_(Program Files)" button and another "Edit Button" (probably not required at all) Under that button a black ui like Advanced menu having default shortcut example for desktop and startmenu maybe starting with rem giving example with Q-Dir_x64.exe (or any very small app, 7-zip already there )eg.Click to "_Custom_Files_(Program Files)" button opening...\x\Program Files\ folderso during build XCopy...\X\Program Files\* to target and your patch runs shortcut syntax shown on patch uimost portable apps will work out of box, which most people use, and easy to customize. I know it is easy with wimbuilder batches and syntax already available, But new users expect ui which we already talked at wimbuilder1 times, I am sure new users will jump to such a ui patch and you will get rid of requests pointing that patch ui. On my side I create Utils\"PC Packed (Plugin Creator Packed)" ago as a reult you do not see any question asking to add a simple portable app to build.Sometimes we spend time to get things already available by providing an ui ....
W i m B u i l d e r - v2021.04.04.6cab797fCheck User Custom Files ...[ ] - "D:\Wim\AppData\Projects\WIN10XPE\_CustomFiles_\ProductOptions.txt"[ ] - "D:\Wim\AppData\Projects\WIN10XPE\_CustomFiles_\IE_Settings.bat"[Found] - "D:\Wim\AppData\Projects\WIN10XPE\_CustomFiles_\_Prepare_.bat"[Found] - "D:\Wim\AppData\Projects\WIN10XPE\_CustomFiles_\MyCustom\"[Found] - "D:\Wim\AppData\Projects\WIN10XPE\_CustomFiles_\final.bat"[ ] - "D:\Wim\AppData\Projects\WIN10XPE\_CustomFiles_\_CustomISO_.bat"2021-04-19 21:50:41 - Building Start ... [WIN10XPE] --- build information WB_ARCH=x64WB_BASE=winre.wimWB_BASE_INDEX=2WB_BASE_PATH=D:\Wim\_Factory_\target\WIN10XPE\winre.wimWB_HOST_LANG=9226WB_PROJECT=WIN10XPEWB_PROJECT_PATH=D:\Wim\Projects\WIN10XPEWB_ROOT=D:\WimWB_RUNAS_TI=1WB_SKIP_UFR=1WB_SKIP_URR=1WB_SRC=H:\sources\install.wimWB_SRC_FOLDER=H:WB_SRC_INDEX=2WB_STRAIGHT_MODE=1WB_TMP_PATH=D:\Wim\_Factory_\tmp\WIN10XPEWB_USER_PROJECT_PATH=D:\Wim\AppData\Projects\WIN10XPEWB_VER_STR=2021.04.04.6cab797fWB_WORKSPACE=.WB_X_DRIVE=A:BUILD_LOGNAME=20210419215041_Build[LOG]_WIN10XPE.logBUILD_LOGTIME=20210419215041Extracting file data: 0 MiB of 417 MiB (0%) done..Extracting file data: 417 MiB of 417 MiB (100%) doneDone extracting files.PHRASE:Get WIM image INFO Get WIM image's information failed. Creating ISO...The system cannot find the path specified.OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved. Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content. ERROR: Could not open boot sector file "_ISO_\boot\" Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified. ISO Created -* _Factory_\BOOTPE.iso make boot iso successfully.