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Topic: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's (Read 83175 times)
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #240 on:
June 17, 2020, 04:29:20 PM »
Grand Chef
Location: USA
Date Registered: Dec 2017
Posts: 2272
Quote from: ChrisR on September 27, 2019, 03:07:38 PM
Clover - XPE Plugin
Clover (v3.3.8.8081 x86) Brings Chrome-Style Tabs to Windows Explorer
Updated To Support - Download Update
(70.07 kB - downloaded 44 times.) - Date: 2020.06.17
(564.73 kB - downloaded 45 times.) - Date: 2020.06.17
Last Edit: June 17, 2020, 07:18:01 PM by James
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #241 on:
June 28, 2020, 02:22:18 PM »
Grand Chef
Location: USA
Date Registered: Dec 2017
Posts: 2272
3-Step Icon - XPE App
\Win10XPE\Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\xPC Host Tools\
(47.64 kB - downloaded 40 times.) - Date: 06.28.2020
\Win10XPE\Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\xPC Host Tools\
(5.87 kB - downloaded 41 times.) - Date: 06.28.2020
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #242 on:
July 20, 2020, 05:35:57 AM »
Date Registered: May 2020
Posts: 2
XnViewMP - image viewer, resizer, converter and more (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, WEBP, PSD, JPEG2000, OpenEXR, camera RAW, HEIC, PDF, DNG, CR2).
A minor update.
(137.77 kB - downloaded 34 times.)
Last Edit: September 28, 2020, 04:07:58 PM by ChrisR
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #243 on:
July 20, 2020, 05:40:17 AM »
Date Registered: May 2020
Posts: 2
XnView Classic: Photo Viewer, Image Resizer & Batch Converter. It supports more than 500 image formats.
(126.94 kB - downloaded 50 times.)
Last Edit: September 28, 2020, 04:09:02 PM by ChrisR
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #244 on:
September 12, 2020, 07:40:40 PM »
Grand Chef
winpe enthusiast
Location: UK
Date Registered: Nov 2012
Posts: 1150
Icon Position
xpeplugin 2020.09.12
Arrange your Icons on PE Desktop, Export set positions, for placement in subsequent builds
2020.09.13 modified script
this thread was meant for posting new or revised XPEPlugins only, please try and keep all discussions to one of the general XPE threads
Last Edit: September 13, 2020, 08:31:58 PM by APT
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #245 on:
September 25, 2020, 02:39:13 PM »
Grand Chef
winpe enthusiast
Location: UK
Date Registered: Nov 2012
Posts: 1150
Windows Login Unlocker update to 1.6
minor update made, reflecting info in release notes. re-download not required
this thread was meant for posting new or revised XPEPlugins only, please try and keep all discussions to one of the general XPE threads
Last Edit: September 26, 2020, 10:17:15 PM by APT
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #246 on:
September 28, 2020, 03:59:39 PM »
Moderator, XPE Baker
Grand Chef
Date Registered: Mar 2011
Posts: 3494
A bit of cleaning up in the old post
this thread was meant for posting new or revised XPEPlugins only, please try and keep all discussions to one of the general XPE threads
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #247 on:
September 29, 2020, 03:29:07 PM »
Grand Chef
winpe enthusiast
Location: UK
Date Registered: Nov 2012
Posts: 1150
Prism - XPEPlugin
simple 'free for home use' video converter bld.v6.62 - small footprint
otherwise add reg details
suggested placement...Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\MultiMedia
(109.96 kB - downloaded 23 times.)
(7.16 kB - downloaded 24 times.)
Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 04:06:18 PM by APT
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #248 on:
September 29, 2020, 03:35:28 PM »
Grand Chef
winpe enthusiast
Location: UK
Date Registered: Nov 2012
Posts: 1150
Pixillion - XPEPlugin
simple 'free for home use' image editor bld.v7.31 - small footprint
otherwise add reg details
suggested placement...Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\MultiMedia
(108.82 kB - downloaded 21 times.)
(3.44 kB - downloaded 21 times.)
Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 04:05:55 PM by APT
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #249 on:
September 29, 2020, 03:39:08 PM »
Grand Chef
winpe enthusiast
Location: UK
Date Registered: Nov 2012
Posts: 1150
VideoPad - XPEPlugin
simple 'free for home use' video editor bld.v8.84 - small footprint
otherwise add reg details
suggested placement...Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\MultiMedia
(137.48 kB - downloaded 22 times.)
(3 kB - downloaded 23 times.)
this thread was meant for posting new or revised XPEPlugins only, please try and keep all discussions to one of the general XPE threads
Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 04:10:29 PM by APT
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #250 on:
October 26, 2020, 01:46:09 PM »
Jr. Chef
Date Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 22
Paraglider HWPnP - device detection. (using force option)
This plugin is used to detect and install devices which currently have no driver installed
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #251 on:
October 26, 2020, 06:10:15 PM »
Code Baker
Date Registered: Jan 2013
Posts: 309
Yet a new Plugin Creator.
Version 4 creates all in a single script.
Version 5 is for main script and file container script.
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #252 on:
October 26, 2020, 06:44:01 PM »
Code Baker
Date Registered: Jan 2013
Posts: 309
Xchm replacement of not working Windows hh.exe for reading .chm help files.
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #253 on:
October 30, 2020, 07:07:45 AM »
Jr. Chef
Date Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 22
Macrium Reflect 7 v7.3.5289.0
Reduced to the max :)
The script is attached into that thread.
The file container is uploaded here (because of the upload limit here):
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #254 on:
November 02, 2020, 05:35:17 AM »
Jr. Chef
Date Registered: Mar 2017
Posts: 19
Paragon Hard Disk Manager Professional 15 Plugin
NOTE: This plugin is for the purchased, Professional version of Paragon HDM 15.
You have to enter a registration key when installing the Professional version of HDM 15. The software does not check for registration after it is installed, but more recent versions (16 and 17) do.
There are other plugins for HDM 15 that may be preferable to this one. Even if you don't use this plugin, you may want to extract the icon, splash screen graphic and BCD unload batch file.
After installing the 64-bit, 32-bit or both versions of Paragon HDM15 professional, copy the files from the "Hard Disk Manager 15 Professional" folder to either the "64-bit" or "32-bit" folder where you want the plugin to find the files. You specify the folder containing the "64-bit" and "32-bit" folders to the plugin. For example, "C:\ParagonPluginFiles" with the two folders "C:\ParagonPluginFiles\64-bit" and "C:\ParagonPluginFiles\32-bit". The "64-bit" and "32-bit" folder should contain the appropriate "layout.ini" and "program" folder that you copied. The other folders such as "bluescrn" are not required.
I also attached an archive with modified and additional files. The folder layout in the archive matches the layout of the existing files and folders. The only new file is an icon for the 64-bit version, because there is no easily accessible icon for the 64-bit version. The modified files change some defaults and turn off the automatic ejection of the optical drive and correct some problems with the path for finding the help application and some helper applications.
The plugin also installs the "hotcore" driver. If the driver isn't found, you may have to install it before copying the program's folders, or copy the files from the Windows system32 folder. This driver isn't strictly necessary, because Windows Volume Shadow Service (VSS) will also work, and HDM 15 will start VSS.
The Paragon software has the unfortunate problem of leaving the Boot Configuration Database (BCD) loaded into the registry at times. You may not have a problem because VSS allows HDM 15 to still back up the volume containing the BCD. If you get a message saying that the program cannot get exclusive access to a disk, then you may need to unload the BCD hive from the registry. I provided a batch file to do that, but is easy figure out the one line regedit command.
I recommend that you run HDM 15 from RAM because it still may eject the optical disc in some situations. That will cause a hang if it is running from the optical disc. I disabled the ejection in the modified configuration files.
Please join me in thanking APT for providing helpful information about writing plugins, and the rest of you who responded to my questions. I also appreciate the past help that I received from Arvy on the RebootPro site who posted a Paragon HDM 12 plugin with the registry information for the drivers.
Version 4 - Script syntax corrections for better builder compatibility
Version 5 - Add Unlock Boot Disk shortcuts checkbox (uncheck allows install alongside HDM 17)
Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 12:26:10 AM by ErikW, Reason: Version 5 - Add Unlock Boot Disk shortcuts checkbox (uncheck allows install alongside HDM 17)
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #255 on:
November 02, 2020, 06:32:06 AM »
Jr. Chef
Date Registered: Mar 2017
Posts: 19
Paragon Hard Disk Manager 17 Advanced Plugin
NOTE: This plugin is for the purchased, Advanced version of Paragon HDM 17.
You may be able to use this plugin for other Hard Disk Manager 17 versions such as the Anniversary edition or the Community edition. Comment out the license copying in the plugin so that it doesn't abort with an error. Or, I suppose you can just put two empty files in the License folder (see below).
You have to activate the HDM 17 Advanced software before you can run it. Activation stores two license files unique to your computer and OS. The files are "LicInfo.xml" and "LIC". I recommend that you install the HDM 17 software and copy the files BEFORE you activate the software. Otherwise, your license files will be littered throughout the files that you copy and harder to change later on. You can also delete those two license files from the copy that you make.
This plugin looks for the license files in a "License" folder and copies the files to the necessary places in the target system being built. You can copy any of the "LicInfo.xml" and "LIC" files from any of the installed software's folders. The licenses will only allow you to run the program in two environments. First, you can run it on the booted operating system on the computer where you activated the program. Second, you can run the program on a Windows PE system that has the "MiniNT" registry key defined. The Windows PE system can run on any computer, not just the one where you activated the software. The two license files have to be present even on the Windows PE system, or the program will not run.
After installing the 64-bit, 32-bit or both versions of Paragon HDM17 Advanced, copy the files from the "Hard Disk Manager 17 Professional" folder to either the "64-bit" or "32-bit" folder where you want the plugin to find the files. You specify the folder containing the "64-bit" and "32-bit" folders to the plugin. For example, "C:\ParagonPluginFiles" with the two folders "C:\ParagonPluginFiles\64-bit" and "C:\ParagonPluginFiles\32-bit". The "64-bit" and "32-bit" folder should contain the appropriate "layout.ini" and "program" folder that you copied. The other folders such as "bluescrn" are not required. Copy the two license files into a "License" folder under the main folder. For example "C:\ParagonPluginFiles\License".
Under Windows PE, the software is intended to be run in a "captive" mode with no desktop. That creates two issues that you will have to work around. First, you will need to hide the taskbar to see the buttons at the bottom of the program. You can change the auto hide setting before or after building the Windows XPE system. It is hard to find, but you can change taskbar auto hide on the booted Windows XPE system. Second, the program provides no way to close it without either shutting down or restarting the computer. I created a batch file that you can use to abort the program when it isn't doing anything. Or, you can minimize the program using the taskbar button and leave it running. There are no window sizing borders or buttons to close, maximize or minimize the window. The window cannot be moved or resized. I recommend that you pin the "Close Paragon HDM 17" icon to the taskbar or start menu.
The Paragon software has the unfortunate problem of leaving the Boot Configuration Database (BCD) loaded into the registry at times. You may not have a problem because VSS allows HDM 17 to still back up the volume containing the BCD. If you get a message saying that the program cannot get exclusive access to a disk, then you may need to unload the BCD hive from the registry. I provided a batch file to do that, but is easy figure out the one line regedit command. You can get to this "Unlock Boot Device" icon on the desktop or start menu folders. Pin it to the taskbar or start menu if you use it a lot.
I recommend that you run HDM 17 from RAM because it may eject the optical disc in some situations. That will cause a hang if it is running from the optical disc.
The network drive mapping in HDM 17 does not seem to work very well in certain cases, such as typing in IP addresses rather than computer names. I recommend mapping any required network drives before starting the program, or at least before opening any file selection dialogs in the program.
There are menus along the left and along the top of the window. You may have to click on the left and then on the top to get to some things. It's easy to overlook menu choices. The only thing that I know is missing versus older versions is the Physical to Virtual and Physical Adjust OS functions that are now only in the Business version. The ability to change MBR partition types is also gone from this version. You have to use the Windows "diskpart" command to do that. The Paragon software has never supported changing the GPT partition type UUIDs, so they have to be changed with "diskpart" as well.
You may want to also install the HDM 15 version of this software because it supports the earlier (legacy) archive files that are not virtual disks. Uncheck the options for the Hotcore driver and the Unlock Boot Disk shortcuts on the HDM 15 plugin.
Version 2 - Script syntax corrections for better builder compatibility
Version 3 - Correct titles for pinned shortcuts. Always put Close Program shortcut on Desktop. Add Unlock Boot Disk shortcuts checkbox.
Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 12:33:29 AM by ErikW, Reason: Version 3 - Correct titles for pinned shortcuts. Always put Close Program shortcut on Desktop. Add Unlock Boot Disk shortcuts checkbox.
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #256 on:
November 06, 2020, 05:25:43 PM »
Jr. Chef
Location: California
Date Registered: Feb 2020
Posts: 24
Request: FastCopy 3.92 Plugin Creation/Update Function
I have tried several times to re-package the FastCopy files with updated binaries without success.
If someone feels like making a new version..ideally with the U function built in, I would be very grateful!
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #257 on:
November 06, 2020, 06:40:15 PM »
Grand Chef
winpe enthusiast
Location: UK
Date Registered: Nov 2012
Posts: 1150
FastCopy v3.92
FastCopy 3.92
note: ***this thread was meant for posting new or revised XPEPlugins only, please try and keep all discussions to one of the general XPE threads***
***re-upped with container set to hidden
Last Edit: November 07, 2020, 11:23:04 AM by APT
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #258 on:
November 24, 2020, 03:35:35 PM »
Date Registered: Jul 2020
Posts: 1
Updated for current version 7.0.1
Re: Win10XPE Optional Member XPE APP's
Reply #259 on:
November 26, 2020, 05:38:26 PM »
Moderator, XPE Baker
Grand Chef
Date Registered: Mar 2011
Posts: 3494
Auslogics Disk Defrag 9
The free version does not include the optimization to reduce writings for SSDs.
Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\HW Info\
(65.6 kB - downloaded 33 times.)
Projects\MoPlugins\Apps\HW Info\
(2.37 kB - downloaded 33 times.)
Last Edit: November 26, 2020, 05:47:39 PM by ChrisR, Reason: SSDs Optimization
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