I'm no expert, but a post by ChrisR with the tip to sort on CreateFile allowed success on the few that I tried it on.
Here is my process, I hope this helps and others pitch in with more experience than what I have.
-Start Process Monitor (Procmon.exe) then Start The Program.
-Find the Program.exe in the Process Name Column, Right-Click and choose Include "Program.exe".
-Find the word SUCCESS in the Result Column, Right-Click and choose Exclude "SUCCESS".
-Find the word CreateFile in the Operation Column, Right-Click and choose Include "CreateFile".
You should see the Required or Missing Files listed with "NAME NOT FOUND" and see the Path The Program Searched for them.
in the win10xpe download, once extracted the directoy for projects includes at file
that scans as a TROJAN
Joes Sandbox also lists this as a malicious file
the win10xpe installer / builder fails to run without this file
If using Windows 10 as your Host OS - you will need to allow a Windows Defender "Exception" for the Win10XPE folder ( I would suggest the same exception for any A/V software) in order to allow the program exe's to run without being blocked....