The Oven
Project World => Win10PE SE HomePage => Topic started by: Actnchat on April 14, 2021, 11:20:11 AM
So recently i created a Windows PE using Windows 10 PE SE tool, after any errors i finnaly got it working and when i tried to boot to that image through an usb, it just take like forever to get through the Loading files. I remember i only use the default option the tool gives, i also use the supported version of it (1809)
I think it's because you use Main Config/Build Model:Normal, it will result in very slow loading on USB Drives, try In RAM instead.
Interesting i will try this
Nope still slow
What kind of usb drive ? On what type of usb port are you booting ?
usb 2 can be painfully long on some chipset.
I have a usb 2 and a G965 chipset
Probably your usb device detection is slow, I assume you have a Y: drive on your tests ?
Anyway, build with Run All from Ram
Build\"CdDrive - X: - Y:" plugin, which has Run All from Ram option.
This way, as Malok indicated with default Ram option, Win10PESE will boot without the need to usb stick, on your case faster.
If your USB controller is 2, there is not much you can do to get things faster, these have a maximum throughput of 480 MB/s compared to 5 GB/s and upward with USB3 and following generations.
The only thing I think you can do, is try to have the smallest boot.wim possible and run everything from ram.