The Oven
Project World => Win8.1 SE HomePage => Topic started by: gizmoshq on October 06, 2014, 08:10:09 PM
I can't be the only guy with this problem. When I build this project as PE in RAM, I have no ability to access network shares. I get an error Server service is not started. I start Server, and get the error "Network name not found"..
However, when I build OS in RAM, the network works fine, _BUT_, when using Diskpart, or Disk Management, when you attempt to create a partition, it freezes. Same with diskpart.
Built using the Enterprise 8.1 Eval, and 8.1 OEM Media.
I can't be the only one with this problem. Did it with a straight 8.1SE pure download, as well as my custom one which has been working except wtih the above two problems for some time.
Any thoughts?
I did not notice that with the OS in RAM building, it works well here with diskpart or disk managment!
And I do not really use the PE mode, with the locked taskbar. Have you tried with PENetwork ?
Have you already tried with Win8pese, to see if it freezes too ?
I have tried with PEnetwork yes. Win8pese does not do it. With or without PENETWORK the network does not go with PE in RAM. What build environment are you using to make yours/ OS Ver/Source Ver?
So update. I found the error caused by Diskpart. it's caused by the Generic Volume driver in the Device Manager having a code38 on it. So the build for OS in RAM causes this but PE in RAM doesn't. Any other thoughts?
So update. I found the error caused by Diskpart. it's caused by the Generic Volume driver in the Device Manager having a code38 on it. So the build for OS in RAM causes this but PE in RAM doesn't. Any other thoughts?
No idea on that, it's strange, I let you Watch. Win8.1, PE or OS use the same driver store :confused:
What build environment are you using to make yours/ OS Ver/Source Ver?
I use win8.1se OS in ram with Win8.1 update 1 source or win8pese with Windows 8 source in both 32/64bit architectures.
And I still use win7pese and Gena beside them.
I'm having exactly the same problem with diskparting - I've actually been trying to find the root cause of it for some time.
Whenever I use disk part or use the same functions within disk management, its able to clean the disk but then stops working. I then get the Volume driver issue you're describing. Building using OS in RAM...
This is pretty much a dealbreaker for us and no idea what to do :/
If I build a complete 'vanilla' WIM with all default options using the same win8.1 source it's fine.
Any ideas would be great...
Like for me it seems to work for most people, I would have had other message before :confused:
I can not reproduce and thus help . I let you watch what happens with drivers.
Also, give more detail about your hardware to have a chance to be helped by someone.
Using Volume License Windows 8.1 x86 source by the way.
I think I have managed to fix the issue. If I have the 'Run all Programs from RAM' option selected in the "Build -> CD Drive X: Y:" section then diskpart stops functioning. If I deselect this, and then manually go through all my programs and select "Run from RAM" then diskpart starts working perfectly again.
Hope that helps...
Even more strange, "Run All program from RAM" or Not, the core with diskpart and disk management are already in RAM :confused:
On the base, there is only some external apps which are outside boot.wim.
give more detail about your hardware
Have you tried on other PC, with an other USB stick/disk ?
Im just doing another rebuild to confirm my assumption about the "run all programs from RAM" i'll update you and let you know.
Hardware: Tried on various Dell laptops, and a couple of lenovo's and all had the same issue with the disk partitioning. Everything else seems ok!
Oh and I've been using two different USB sticks using WIM booting rather than ISOs.
Tried a few different Windows 8.1 including a real OEM version.. Still no dice.. Running on a modern CoreI7. Images don't work in Virtualbox or PXE load. Disabled the CD Drive plugin, then removed it. Weird....
Update. Fresh load of 8.1 32 bit on my I7, fresh download of 8.1SE project.
What happens with diskpart, if you delete and re-create the same partition it will work. Clean the drive, and create a couple different size partitions and it hangs.. Wierd. Does it on when booted from PXE, USB and Virtualbox.
Here it works fine in real computer:
Decrease the size of a partition, create a new one with the free space, delete it then expand the sire of the initial partition. no worries here :cool:
What is really strange, is that I have no feedback on that before and thus for almost a year.
I can only suggest you to use a disk management software or to try with Win8pese instead of Win8.1SE.
Good luck :thumbsup:
So I think I've found the cause of the issue (for me anyway).
The diskpart issue where it fails during the create partition phase appears to happen if I remove the USB stick once the OS has fully booted. If I leave the USB stick in, diskpart runs succesfully, and I can clean/partition/format etc... If I then remove the bootable usb and try to run the diskpart command again, specifically, "create partition primary" it will then stall, and show a 'generic volume' error in the storage volumes section of device manager. It may also present an error to do with the MMC snap-in not being refreshed.
I've tested this several times using the boot wim and the ISO with a virtual CD drive and the behaviour is the same - it's fine with the bootable media still attached, but creating a partition with it removed causes the diskpart fault.
This is using vanilla settings or custom settings - both have the same effect.
Tested on a Dell E3440.
Odd. I do most of my testing in Oracle Virtual Box. Loaded using an ISO. I do my other tests with a USB stick and load off PXE.
If OS in RAM won't work, then I'm back to PE in RAM. Anyone have the same network problems I did?
Should note I've been doing PE since BartPE, VistaPE, Win7 PE, Win7Se, etc etc. I know my way around Winbuilder, and have these all launching from PXE, with working Secure Boot.. Still just a puzzle.
Been looking at this issue for a long time now and haven't been able to resolve this diskpart problem. gizmoshq, if you happen to get anywhere with this do let me know as unfortunately I may have to abandon this project as diskpart is vital to the build :(
It seems keeping the USB stick in is the only way I can get it to work. I'm actually still getting the issue when using a virtual CD-ROM with the iso (Zalman portable HDD in ODD mode).
I've had this problem as well (I first saw it when testing inside a VM, but noticed that I also couldn't create a partition with diskpart if PXE booting WinPE or if we removed the flash drive), so I've been looking into this problem, and I think I have a solution/work-around.
I noticed that the problem only seemed to occur if I had one disk, and as long as I had more than one recognized disk on the computer when I started running commands with diskpart, it would work fine to partition a drive. The thought then occurred to me - what would happen if I just created and attached a VHD at runtime, so that diskpart would see more than one disk when I went to partition my physical disk? So, I created a fixed VHD in Windows that was only 3 MB in size, then created a primary partition on it and formatted it with FAT. I then copied that into my project so that it would always be under X:\Windows\fakedisk.vhd at runtime.
After I created the VHD (after testing this out, it appeared that it does require a partition, but doesn't necessary have to be formatted - I simply did so that Windows wouldn't give the annoying format disk prompt every time WinPE loaded), I created a text file under X:\Windows\System32 named addvhd.txt, and added these lines to it:
select vdisk file=X:\Windows\fakedisk.vhd
attach vdisk
I then had my launch script (which runs as soon as the desktop in WinPE loads) run this command: diskpart /s X:\Windows\System32\addvhd.txt
I verified that it worked on several laptops that only had one HDD (which I previously could not partition if I PXE booted or removed the flash drive) which did not have a flash drive present, and I could then partition the disk as I normally could.
I'm still unsure of what the root cause would be, and why this is not an issue when building a PE in RAM but not an OS in RAM, but this was a good work-around for me, and should be fairly easy to implement. You could even probably create the VHD on the fly and attach it, but I included the VHD already partitioned/formatted as I desired in my build so that it would take slightly less time.
I hope this helps, and please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi meerschaum,
I feel this is a very nice solution :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I know this from old times, a friend ( fxscrpt ) called this technique "keep disk.sys alive" on GenaXP (by a second disk ;) )
(it was not happening on w2003 ... a difference between server and user editions )
you made one more drop, it doesn't happen when OS in RAM :cool:
Since it is a known thing from very old times, and very similar workaround you made :thumbsup:
I feel it would be nice if Chris put this feature on SE (plugin checkbox whatever ;), smallest disk image :) ) :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
ps: Maybe you can give any letter you want with HKLM\TMP_SYSTEM\MountedDevices ;)
and meerschaum,
If you have time ;) try to replace disk.sys with a server edition, see if this changes result (server 2008 or 2012 or ..., you know better)
It worked in a test, I'm going to build it into my image.
meerschaum thanks so much for this workaround this has been the one issue that has kept our build in 'beta' and this may well do the trick! I'll be testing it as soon as I have some time to work on the project again.
Again, thanks!
Hi Lancelot,
I tried using disk.sys from Server 2008, but it did not appear to impact the behavior of diskpart, and I still run into the problem if I don't mount the VHD with diskpart first. I can't try disk.sys from Server 2012, as I'm using a 32-bit WinPE (I tried just for grins, but it crashed upon loading the driver, as I expected), but just for reference (and in case you can see if I did anything wrong), here are the files which I copied from a 32-bit Server 2008 Standard build:
Thanks for the background info; I wasn't aware that this was a problem in the past as well.
You're very welcome effingheck; this problem has been baffling me as well, and I certainly hope this helps.
Server 2008 is based on Vista, server 2008 R2 is Win7, so I bet you need Server 2012, which I didn't think was available in 32 bit.
Hi meerschaum,
thanks for the results :thumbsup:
I am sure ChrisR will add this :great:
one more thing to try ;)
put this plugin to \Drivers\
I haven't try this plugin on SE, it is from my archive to overcome this situation in the past on Gena,
maybe it works on SE ;) (it is not signed etc.. I don't know SE very well, feel free to modify plugin)
your solution is superior (to me best for SE), I am only wondering how Gavotte works on this situation on SE :thumbsup:
Instead of attaching a pre-existent vhd in your launch script, would attaching an on-the-fly created one do the trick? I.e.
imdisk -a -t vm -m #: -s 3M
Try adding the following (quotes included) to the command above if format disk prompt appears
-p "/fs:fat32 /q /y"
Hi Lancelot,
I just tried this plug-in, but unfortunately it wasn't able to overcome the problem either; I was able to launch it and create a RAMDisk, but diskpart still only saw one disk on the drive, and I wasn't able to partition my physical HDD with this installed.
Starla, I had tried ImDisk before I thought of this (thinking along the same lines as you) since it's already included in the project by default, but it seems to not have any effect either, and like the Gavotte RAMDisk which Lancelot linked to, it creates a drive that shows up in Windows Explorer, but it doesn't show up under diskpart, which as far as I can tell appears to be the key. I also tried the commands you provided just in case that would be different from how it's configured by default, but no luck. However, I am confident that you could create the VHD on the fly with diskpart using the create vdisk command, as when I was first able to get this to work in my testing, I did so by going into diskmgmt.msc, and then just created and partitioned a VHD from there, and diskpart worked to partition my physical disk after I attached the functional VHD.
Thanks a lot meerschaum,
a lot of thing clarified :smile: :smile:
nt6x having nice advantage to mount vhd and keep disk.sys alive
Good catch :great: :great:
Here is my script to make it mount a VHD on boot. Create a 3MB VHD, put it in with the script and use:
Title=Fix Disk
Description=Script to load VHD to allow partitioning - fix PE bug
DirMake,"%TargetDir%\Program Files\fixdisk"
FileCopy,"%ScriptDir%\*.*","%TargetDir%\Program Files\fixdisk\"
Hi meerschaum gizmoshq, Starla, ChrisR, ALL :)
Following meerschaum (reply 18),
and following Starla idea to create vhd at startup (imdisk not required) (reply 26),
plugin attached, (put to Components)
Thanks gizmoshq keep attention on this :thumbsup:
Oh, what a nice surprise! Thank you Lancelot for the script, but including credit to me is not due at all :embarrassed:, you are very, very kind.
:thumbsup: :great:
See You around Starla
Fakedisk.script is asking to format in os to ram
Thanks for feedback KYHI,
fixed :thumbsup: new version at reply 30
I am back ~following my free time, I'll try to update the SE server with your changes, improvements seene here and there :great:
Thanks to you ALL :thumbsup:, Lancelot for all the plugins updated and ready to use :thumbsup:
For now I've done
Macro_Library, FakeDisk, PostConfig, Create ISO, PC Packed, PC Innounp, PC Provide Files, Qemu, VirtualBox, VMWare with Select ISO added.
I also updated
BootIce Pauly v1.311, grub4dos-0.4.5c-2015-01-20, WinContig v1.35.04, Rufus 1.4.12
Hi Chris,
Opera :wink:
and for Organisations,
Themes and Windows Driver Foundation, to be on Build end :wink:
mandatory on 81SE, selectable on others
(with organisation idea, basic + final (postconfig-createiso) get you main project ...)
Classic Shell, not default true (until fixed)
Other things (not ready plugin etc.), I keep notes, I discovered EverNote :lol:,
when you have more time :great:
See You
Hi Lancelot,
It's done for Opera :thumbsup:
I will continue after this WE for organization and others :great: Happy to see you behind or in front :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
For Classic Shell even fixed,, It is better to have StartIsBack selected by default. Classic shell 4.1.0 only works with "OS in Ram" build.
I begin to think about (instead of [BasePath] .. )
idea (probably will work on this when I get back home)
as a start, most wanteds,
further when demanded :smile:
Do you have more in mind than 3 ?
and what you think ?
It seems a good idea :thumbsup: nothing in mind yet
the 3 above seems to be a good start indeed :smile:
Hi Chris,
just updated Macro Library,
works out of box, OS ones are for registry on plugins where required :wink:
first 2 uses
(need to be updated for OS mode)
so there will not be any trouble to expand these in future :thumbsup:
since all rest is hardcoded :smile:
but for Target...OS
Above work out of box,
( I cheat using [BasePath] AppData )
but for further expansion ( to easly use ms way of harcode :)),
I feel this will be enough,
ps: ProfileBase changes on windows default way (waik..).......
so for Target...OS we can sum up easly with SettingsDrive + ProfileBase + DefaultUser + hardcode
Another thing:
I noticed you miss to update
[BasePath] AppData=Users\Default\AppData\Roaming
( also %TargetProfilesUserDir% as mentioned before )
on OS mode,
and I notice there is no .\Administrator\.... folders during build !
I believe, if folders ready during build, life will be easier to all
Long to write, but simple things,
Whenever you find time,
See You
reminding other updates
Utils\MyPlugins_Project_Add (old one removed)
Utils\Update_BLexact... (just sync with SE)
Hi Lancelot,
just updated Macro Library,
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
About %TargetProfilesUserDir% if I have understood. It seems OK in PE or OS build as it is currently with:
in OS mode, the Users\Administrator folder and sub-folders are created at Runtime (logon) starting (copying) from the Default user.
Without other change in prooject, it can not be created at build time otherwise it creates a new user "Administrator.Win81SE" with folder and subfolders starting from the Default user also. The shortcuts,... continues to be created for the Administrator account.
I will continue with your other improvements :great:
I need a little time for MyPlugins_Project_Add, folder.project, I need to change a few things in Share plugins (old one removed also) at the same time to be synchro.
Hi Chris,
I will continue with your other improvements :great:
I need a little time for MyPlugins_Project_Add, folder.project, I need to change a few things in Share plugins (old one removed also) at the same time to be synchro.
I just noticed that if I run the OS mode I encountered a problem with all my backup programs. It had to due with copy hard drive to hard drive mode.
It would come up with could not take owner ship. It doesn't have any problem copying partition to partition or image to partition. I did notice last
week if I ran in PE mode and open Paragon Disk Director (launch.exe) it didn't have the error message. I do like to build in OS mode as it has the same
feel as Windows 8.1, but does it take ownership of all the drives? Maybe something easy? :thumbsup: It is a great project. Thanks for all the help.
Hi Mark,
If you have "Apps\System Tools\Explorer Addons\RunAsSystem" selected. It is enabled by default.
You can try to use the Context Menu option "Run as System" on launch.exe
I mainly use the system backup or partition backup.
I will try the clone disk option on Acronis TI or AOMEI backupper to see.
Without using "Run as System" option.
I tested the Clone disk with Acronis TI2015
and Clone Disk + Disk backup with AOMEI backupper
For both the Clone disk operation successful and restarting from the new disk is OK. success also with the Disk Backup :thumbsup:
Fast enough with ATI :thumbsup:, the copy has been really slow to start with Backupper!
I don't use Paragon Disk Director for now to test it.
For both the Clone disk operation successful and restarting from the new disk is OK. success also with the Disk Backup :thumbsup:
Fast enough with ATI :thumbsup:, the copy has been really slow to start with Backupper!
I don't use Paragon Disk Director for now to test it.
Did you use a USB Portable Hard Drive to an internal Hard Drive?
I tried Paragon launcher.exe with Run as System with not luck still get the error message.
I don't get the error message when I run in PE in Ram. Is there anything else I can do from my end?
Did you use a USB Portable Hard Drive to an internal Hard Drive?
I don't get the error message when I run in PE in Ram. Is there anything else I can do from my end?
My previous testing was in VMware with 2 HD :wink:
I'l try, maybe tomorow with an external USB3 Hard drive.
The differences between PE and OS are mainly in the registry, the user System/Administrator and there is few difference in files.
Perhaps a comparison of PE/OS with procmon can help !
Have you tried with Acronis Ti or others.
The differences between PE and OS are mainly in the registry, the user System/Administrator and there is few difference in files.
Perhaps a comparison of PE/OS with procmon can help !
Have you tried with Acronis Ti or others.
I tried with Acronis Ti and Paragon Manager. Both programs gave the same error message.
It was a clone from Portable Hard drive to Internal Hard drive . Thanks.
I made a backup Disk with ATI from a real computer on my USB3 hard disk with success.
By cons for the restoration, I have no lab computer available to try, I will maybe try later on VMware from the image save above on my usb3 hdd.
By any chance, have you the fairly new FakeDisk ( plugin in your build. Not sure but it can perhaps help to (re)partition the target disk.
Do others have experienced a similar problem ?
I hope that we will find what's wrong, the imaging softwares are important in PE :thumbsup:
I tried Paragon Manager with Win8.1SE OS in Ram
I did a Disk Backup (disk 0) on my hdd USB3 (WD Mypassport)
I then did a restore disk of the previous image on disk 1.
It worked without worries here, no idea what's wrong for you :confused:
I tried Paragon Manager with Win8.1SE OS in Ram
I did a Disk Backup (disk 0) on my hdd USB3 (WD Mypassport)
I then did a restore disk of the previous image on disk 1.
I only found this problem when I did a copy hard through explaunder.exe or directly
by running clonehdd.exe. I copied the USB Hard Drive to the internal Hard Drive. That
is where the error happened. I also noticed that if you run launcher.exe in Win8.1SE there
is an error while opening the application. When I use it on Win7PE or Win8PE there is no
error. Also on Win8.1SE in PE in Ram there is no error message. I also was not able to
do a disc to disc copy in Acronis True Image with an error message could not take owner ship.
Hopefully this will help. I know this takes a lot of work as it is not a simple process to copy
hard drives. Hopefully you will be able to come up with one of these error message. Thanks
for all the hard work on this project. :grin:
I did not go further for now :wink:
Do you have the fakedisk in Disk Management ?
If not, download Components\FakeDisk ( plugin, it is on SE server and try with it.
Do you have the fakedisk in Disk Management ?
If not, download Components\FakeDisk ( plugin,
it is on SE server and try with it.
I just added fakedisk with no luck. :sad:
Hi Mark,
maybe this is all about OS mode,
Try to run phdm with "Run as System" ?
similar thing (and Mounstorpe advice) here
ps: if paragon hd only fails at the last step, it is no big deal :wink:
tip: also be carelfull about using portable apps launcher, it is not perfect on real os, and it is mostly not pe aware,
well as long as it works it is ok :great:
See You (in summer)
Hi Mark,
maybe this is all about OS mode,
Try to run phdm with "Run as System" ?
similar thing (and Mounstorpe advice) here
ps: if paragon hd only fails at the last step, it is no big deal :wink:
tip: also be carelfull about using portable apps launcher, it is not perfect on real os, and it is mostly not pe aware,
well as long as it works it is ok :great:
I tried to run phdm and directly launch.exe with "Run as System" and Run as Administrator. No luck there.
You are definitely right about portables. A great program is "Beach Bit" in portable, but not to run in PE. I ran
that program before in Linux to clean up the system files.
I am sure if Chris gives it a little time, he will come up with a fix for Paragon Manager. At least it is a reproducible error
message in Win8.1SE in OS mode. I did test in Win7.PE thru Win8.1SE in PE mode. :thumbsup:
best way to create portable (to none portable apps),
create your own portable by using a batch :wink:
Like Atari800xl did on some disk imagers
I didn't use Paragon HDM, but I remember Paragon Partition Manager very portable :smile:
(plugins for Paragon PM available on Yomi)
Well, Since we all know Paragon make tricks, maybe better not insist on using it (or happly ignore refresh step)
Test same scenario with other partition utilities around, see if they can do last step refresh operation (assigning letters) nicely.
yfwang0798 reports shows there is something need to be done,
well, in time, such things sometimes are not solved quickly, and sometimes never, sometimes it can be easly workarounded :cool:
(using latest TeamViewer on PE not yet solved for years, only now can be used on OS mode and only at Win8.1SE)
Free Time only let focus on top priority :cool:
See You