I had this problem since few years ago: the boot.wim produced by Win10PESE cannot be booted with IPXE (wimboot). Error messages:
wimboot Can't handle unknown compression scheme 0x00020082
Could not patch wim boot.wim
Could not boot...
Booting failed, dropping to shell
Happily, today I found the following threads at IPXE forum that gave the solution:
https://forum.ipxe.org/showthread.php?tid=7987https://forum.ipxe.org/showthread.php?tid=10377Solution: Redo the compression with (with administrator's right). I give below the complete command since it takes me few minutes to figure out the right syntax:
dism.exe /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:Win10PE_x64.wim /SourceName:Win10PE_x64 /DestinationImageFile:Win10PE_x64_new.wim /DestinationName:Win10PE_x64 /Compress:max
Other benefit is that the final .wim is smaller (compression:max option). You might want also to report the change inside the iso too.