Yes, it is wcmsvc which does not start and so wlansvc too
Projects/WIN10XPE/01-Components/IME/Ime_Common.batQuote:Ime_Regif %VER[3]% GTR 18300 ( call RegCopy %1\Microsoft\FuzzyDS)
:Ime_Regif %VER[3]% GTR 18300 ( call RegCopy %1\Microsoft\FuzzyDS)
By taking your changes, thanks I saw that WOW6432Node\Microsoft\FuzzyDS is not included in install.wim but are there once installed.To get it at build time, I did it like that:Code: [Select]ShellExecute,Hide,cmd.exe,"/C Reg Copy #$qHKLM\Tmp_Software\Microsoft\FuzzyDS#$q #$qHKLM\Tmp_Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\FuzzyDS#$q /S /F"
well clearly the script exists > [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\Features\CheckSysFiles.script]It is trying to extract the file to > [%BaseDir%\Temp\CheckSysFiles]Either the script is corruptor the program.exe is being blocked (by A/V software ??)the BaseDir - should be a simple path > C:\win10xpe\temp or D:\win10xpe\temp
Code: [Select]Turned out the %HostOSArch% is returning x1 instead of x86 or x64 so it did not know which CheckSysFiles to extractJust a little info..The HostOSArch is set to x86 By Default in Script.ProjectOnce the "Source" is selected the %HostOSArch% is actually retrieved from the Host OSThe %OS% variable is pulled from the "Source" Media - which would be (%OS%=Win10) as XPE only supports Windows 10So not understanding your use of that %OS% variableIf you boot into a different Arch OS and run XPE - you must "Reset" Your Build to pull proper HostOSArch
not sure why you get x1 as the result...x86 is the default result and that result will change to x64 if true
HostOSArch.cmdCode: [Select]@ echo offIf %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%== x86 (If Not Defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 Echo 86)echo 64pause >nulResults in ???
well that is the exact method we use to populate %HostOSArch% not sure why prior results of X1 instead of x64