Giving more width to WebLabel_Plugin can address this issue.It is because DirectWrite, the key API for super-fast text rendering, tends to render texts with a little bit wider width.
When I tested, those two plugin's interface changed well with System,RefreshInterface.Does this bug still appears in lastest version?
when I put project (plugins) to ramdrive,Interface change works in both cases. But still, I can reproduce interface change bug on normal disk.
Also I think the Command Progress progress bar could be removed. It flashes so much it almost makes you feel sick.
Also a cosmetic issue. I don't like the black folder icons in the script tree. The light brown folder icon in the original builder was much more pleasing to the eye.
I am using black icons for simplicity of development
It means if a plugin file is modified on-the-fly on build, PEBakery cannot recognize the change.Is there any plugin uses modify-on-the-fly pattern in SE?If not, PEBakery can use memory-cached plugins safety with very fast speed.