I'm Trying to bring high end network scanners capability to XPE.
I got the latest npCap Packet capture driver running well and was able to fully support nMap7 and WireShark3 in 32 and 64 bit builds. tested WIFI capture from my laptop before posting :)
How it works is pretty simple, Download npCap_XPE files and the scripts of the network scanners you want. You will also need in your build the MS Visual C++ Runtime latest plugin.
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28489#msg28489 and VC++ 8-9 Runtime selected in project core.
Once in PE. First of all setup correctly your network with PENetwork then start the npCap setup from the start menu shortcut, choose your required options. Loop-back is not necessary for nMap and WireShark newer versions, but it might be if you want to try other packet capture dependent software. After exiting setup the service will be launched and all bindings should be in place if you have the npCap service STATE: RUNNING. You can close this windows and start your scanning software.

2019.11.23 Initial XPE Plugins Created
2019.12.11 Added: Smart Packet Sniffer.
2019.12.15 Added: Version Control. Removed: Pack in Container. Code Cleanup.
2020.01.22 Added: Note
*** npCap Driver is Required for all the other software to WORK ***From the download stats, is see many are missing driver.......