Now I have read somewhere that XPE is not using the full Drivers Hive. :sad:
Is it easily Doable to make XPE use the Whole Drivers Hive ? Because I think that's what breaks the installation of Chipsets and mass storage drivers of my pack at boot time. Since WinRe does not seems to need these to accomplish it`s basic tasks.
Add To "Additions"
you can also copy your additional Drivers to "Y:\Drivers"
Then unmark in pecmd.ini
//EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\pnputil.exe /add-driver Y:\Drivers\*.inf /subdirs
Your Technician's can also build a Driver Data Base - based upon the systems they work on....
WinXPE Driver Integration (
Somewhere in the PESE Forum I posted the > PESE Driver Integration < version