Hi Pan2fire,
I do not have that time (also my requirements are probably hard to fulfill).
Your problem not related to topic. At least spend time to read topic or create a new topic.
Projects gains huge time giving options, you need to spend less time for your personal special tasks.
A good path is quick check or read FAQ
As an alternative I searched for a very basic ready-made x86 win7pese that would allow me to easily add portable programs with shortcuts to them on the desktop and/or the start menu.
Solutions provided at FAQ
search Portable
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=834.0probably Carlos use one of them
(dynamic shortcuts for portable applications)
Such thing available less than 2012, even with the start of first PE (2004 and less),
only requires some time. Carlos probably use one of them
With Available options on current projects:
I just updated Apps\System Tools\"Portable Finder CMD" to v17 (as written on FAQ)
with enabled "Portable Finder CMD" plugin , when you boot, It will search for
at root of drives (ex: usb) and if found execute
To test:
+ Enable Apps\System Tools\"Portable Finder CMD"
+ Make your build
+ create TheOven_Dynamic.cmd inside one of your usb stick or drive (ex: F:\heOven_Dynamic.cmd)
nircmd.exe shortcut "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "CMD Test"
+ boot from cd or usb with the project,
You should see "CMD Test" shortcut on your desktop after some seconds (press F5 to refresh desktop)
If all ok, you can modify TheOven_Dynamic.cmd the way you like.
Still you need to spend time to figure out with TheOven_Dynamic.cmd, to do things other than shortcut.[/s]
If you do not know about .cmd edit, (so called batch edit) there are many websites available.
Further, do not reply current post, open a new topic, I do not have time to split topics for now.
Topic Split to:
Dynamic shortcuts to any portable program
Further new plugin available
Portable Finder Startup
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=1891reminding update your plugins via
Utils\Update\"Update" button