7. Stop Button BugStill investigating.
*Stop button do not work quicklyex:https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0inmz8ajxj5yee/2017-11-23_195752.png?dl=0Stop should do immediate halt (Same with Halt,)
3. Empty Plugin is not refreshedPEBakery ignores plugin which seems to be 'malformed', I think that is the case.I will investigate about this.
PSWow, lot of things were discovered. It would take time to catch up things...
<Errors>- [2] Errors in Plugin [Search] (Win10PESE\Components\Search.script)[Error] Error - Command [Halt] can have ~ [1] arguments (If,Not,%ExitCode%,Equal,0,Halt,"Call FileCopy Error C: XCopy ErrorLevel:%ExitCode% From: #2 To: #3",Warn)[Error] Error - Command [Halt] can have ~ [1] arguments (If,Not,%ExitCode%,Equal,0,Halt,"Call FileCopy Error C: XCopy ErrorLevel:%ExitCode% From: #2 To: #3",Warn)
Hi AllJFIplugin seems to fail in PEBakery with the DirCopy of wbem not overwriting the target \wbemWin10PESE x64 Source 10.0.16299.15 en-GB Host Win7ProSP1x64PEBakery 0.9.1a bld 20171202