Hi Gerhard S.
sorry, wb is buggy, if you did not save during development it is gone...
When developing save frequently with bugy builder :wink:
an idea, you might change filename or folder location before saving ! which make wb bug appear....
Maybe I can help on other areas,
when bugy builder crashes badly here is .cmd I use, put it on your BuilderSE.exe directory
BuilderSE Restart.cmd
cd /d "%~dp0"
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
taskkill.exe /f /im BuilderSE.exe
Start BuilderSE.exe
to avoid annoying "Out of system resources" there is nice tool from BlueLife :
\Downloads\UtilsY\Workaround Bugs