To get updated/syncronised:
Most secure way is using a seperate download folder to syncronise with server,
This is The Method used by all good modular developments I know. (ex: Check ReactOS development, these guys are great ;))
and with Share Link things become much more easier.
Put following blexactserver.exe to your download folder
C:\Gena_Download\blexactserver.exe will download here
ps: when first doubleclicked, it will open a notepad summerizing which updates will be made, close notepad to continue
note: If you previously download one of Gena Official Package, extract to C:\Gena_Download\
to build, use a seperate folder:
==> your project(s) (winbuilder.exe and other projects here)
a batch file at C:\Builder\ to reset Gena project files ;)
rd /s /q .\Projects\Gena
rd /s /q .\Projects\Gena-Complete
rd /s /q .\Projects\Tools\Gena
rd /s /q .\Target\Gena
rd /s /q .\Temp\Gena
rd /s /q .\Workbench\Gena
rem del /q /f /a .\Projects\Tools\Languages\_default.txt
rd /s /q .\Projects\Tools\Languages
md Projects
xcopy.exe "C:\Gena_Download\Projects\*" "C:\Builder\Projects\" /i /s /e /r /v /k /f /c /h /y
and in order not to delete your scripts during reset/update (ex: acronis)
use Gena\Tools\"Share Scripts",
on wb interface -->Click "Open 'My Scripts' folder" button,
put your personal scripts under ........\AppsMy\ folder
..\Projects\MyScripts\AppsMy\HD Tasks\Imaging\Acronis.script
Click 'Get Links From' button where 'MyScripts' selected
After things ready, getting syncronised will go this way:
1) downloading updates with C:\Gena_Download\blexactserver.exe
2) doubleclick C:\Builder\1_Reset_Xcopy_Gena.cmd
3) open C:\Builder\Winbuilder.exe and Gena\Tools\Share Scripts --> Click 'Get Links From' button
This way, you fully syncronised with server very easly. :thumbsup: