Something we miss for years now:(current help files around have lots of missing and wrong info but still useful for now ... )
I hope you can start same way with PEBakery.
Quote from: Lancelot on December 14, 2017, 08:24:24 AMSomething we miss for years now:(current help files around have lots of missing and wrong info but still useful for now ... )As one of the primary authors of WinbuilderN.chm I would be interested in knowing what info you believe is missing/wrong.
Taking into consideration that the API Commands section refers to the old CAPI and not it can be added/corrected.
Quote from: Lancelot on December 14, 2017, 08:24:24 AMI hope you can start same way with PEBakery.Check out the github repository: the documentation is more mature the markdown files can easily be converted to html for publishing to the web or compiling to a chm.
AutoIT creates help files on web compile it to chm during each update.
No thanks, I never have interest to contribute with such info anymore, I close this page 7 years ago.So far I know, JFX, Galapo, ChrisR do not have interest all these years.That is the reason we never work on such help document.
Quote from: Homes32 on December 14, 2017, 06:19:45 PMTaking into consideration that the API Commands section refers to the old CAPI and not it can be added/corrected.Funny. After 7 years !As one of the primary authors of WinbuilderN.chm better you update for "capi" for the projects that use capi or winbuilder (77 080 082 083 084 085 or javabuilder or whatever), which are all out of interest and out of topic. I am sure winbuilder and capi and their documentation and relevant projects become much better in passing time on last 7 years, which all are out of current topic interest.
AutoIT creates help files on web compile it to chm during each update.Like we do on project zip distributions, rather than the failure of winbuilder and capi and their documentation.
Quote from: Lancelot on December 14, 2017, 10:44:33 PMNo thanks, I never have interest to contribute with such info anymore, I close this page 7 years ago.So far I know, JFX, Galapo, ChrisR do not have interest all these years.That is the reason we never work on such help document.Then I'm afraid I don't understand why you brought up current documentation (which is shipped with all SE projects I might add) is incorrect or out of date.
As one of the authors of said documentation I offered to fix any errors. How is that "out of interest"?
Funny. After 7 years !As one of the primary authors of WinbuilderN.chm better you update for "capi" for the projects that use capi or winbuilder (77 080 082 083 084 085 or javabuilder or whatever), which are all out of interest and out of topic. I am sure winbuilder and capi and their documentation and relevant projects become much better in passing time on last 7 years, which all are out of current topic interest.
Otherwise PEBakery is at risk of producing the same buggy results as the builder it is replacing.
...and yes, smiley, you are right; the fact that Nuno has sided with and defended his xb developer's childish, self-righteous, self promoting behavior throughout this exchange is inexcusable and shameful (though he'll never see it) and as you can now see, when losing a debate, that debate gets shutdown How sad that this once great forum has been brought to this level by two ego centric, foolish men (Nuno and PSC) bent on promoting their own agenda at any cost. Oh but we'll have 'peace' once again, when the most talented, hard working and gifted members of your team keep telling you something is wrong with the way you're doing business, threaten to fire 'em!
Quote from: Lancelot on December 14, 2017, 10:44:33 PMQuote from: Homes32 on December 14, 2017, 06:19:45 PMTaking into consideration that the API Commands section refers to the old CAPI and not it can be added/corrected.Funny. After 7 years !As one of the primary authors of WinbuilderN.chm better you update for "capi" for the projects that use capi or winbuilder (77 080 082 083 084 085 or javabuilder or whatever), which are all out of interest and out of topic. I am sure winbuilder and capi and their documentation and relevant projects become much better in passing time on last 7 years, which all are out of current topic interest.I thing you missed the point of that statement. I will try to be more clear so you understand. I was saying that IF the missing/incorrect information YOU were referring to was under the "API Commands" section, then it was because at the time that help document was written that is what was available and in widespread use. Obviously the documents were not extended once "MacroLibray" took over AFTER that section was created, but I will not apologize for committing my time to FAMILY where it was needed instead of trying to keep up with an ever changing library between 2 split communities with different ideas of what commands should be included. At this point I have no intention of creating or updating any documentation relating to any API/MacroLibrary so discussing errors or omissions in help specific to the "API Commands" section is moot.
If I misunderstood you and your reference to missing/incorrect documentation was not referring to WinbuilderN.chm and was in fact referring to incomplete documentation in the PEBakery git repository then I apologize and we can forget the above conversation. I only want to make sure that the WinbuilderN.chm ied206 is using a reference does not contain errors that will set back development and lead to lost time chasing bugs.
Reminding Under Constructionex: like to see ied206 follow Jonathan Bennett successful organization on AutoIT Help files :
here you are mistaken. autoit does not build its help files on the web. instead the help file is built from source into htm files for a .chm and the htm files that make up the .chm are ported over to a minimized web version that makes up the "online" help you refer to.You don't have to take my word for it though. Ask JFX or You can read the source codes see for yourselfYou can find the uncompiled html files for the current version of AutoIt in the Archive. (called fully support ied206's decision to have the documentation based in the git repository where anyone can have access to submit changes in an open and transparent manner and see the revision history. Just like we did with WinbuilderN.chm and just like autoit does with their documentation. And as I said, it is relatively easy to automate a process to convert the markdown files to html and host on a web mirror or compile to .chm .
Homes32 summarize some reasons why wb documentation failed, there are more.... , no need to live same bad experience again.
I feel, In the end we can have a plugin ex: \Utils\Help Documents having upload button that uploads plugin to 6 servers (+1 PEBakery server) + with updated help source + updating chm for zip distributions + updating web htm
Quote from: Lancelot on December 17, 2017, 01:39:53 AMHomes32 summarize some reasons why wb documentation failed, there are more.... , no need to live same bad experience again.Please refrain from using my name falsely to push your opinions. The fact that there IS a WinbulderN.chm (that by the way was developed by a few of us INDEPENDENTLY from nuno/psc winbuilder developers) proves that the documentation was NOT a failure. The fact that WinbuilderN documentation survives to this day and is published on multiple mediums, including .wiki, .chm and web/html ( proves that is is NOT a failure.
there are more....
, no need to live same bad experience again.
Quote from: Lancelot on December 17, 2017, 01:39:53 AMI feel, In the end we can have a plugin ex: \Utils\Help Documents having upload button that uploads plugin to 6 servers (+1 PEBakery server) + with updated help source + updating chm for zip distributions + updating web htmYes. this is exactly what will be possible with the way the help is being designed. As the documents are in the repository alongside the code, they can be updated as features are added/removed and can be compiled automatically by the build process, viewed in their natural state, or fetched on demand by 3rd party and compiled to whatever you want. Funny how well "failed" processes work... If you find errors or omissions in the current PEBakery documentation and are uncomfortable making a pull request, please open a bug report on the git repository containing the information you believe is incorrect and what you think is should read, and I will be happy to make the corrections as time allows.
In conclusion, we both want the same thing, and that's is what development is working towards, so lets lets lay this topic to rest, I feel there is no more constructive discussion to be had on this particular thread.
I hope you can start same way with PEBakery.