Would Like To Make Members Aware Of A New Feature Being Slowly Rolled Out For XPE Plugins...The Old Container File Is Renamed With Program VersionThus Giving You The Ability To Restore An Older Program Version If Needed...
Besides I am sure in the end (we made after some years) you will do similar going on the same path. Circle development: one way or another always go to the same directions or motivation lost during the path. Most important: very valuable time lost.
there was a recent post that requires one of James plugin updated since setup file changed.
Quote there was a recent post that requires one of James plugin updated since setup file changed.Sorry Do Not Recall Such Change
****Anyway, keep going. Above is only to put a post to history
Win10XPE_2019-02-02 updateXPE Startup: (new) Add XPEStartup.cmd and(or) XPEStartup.ini at root of your USB, to customize some tasks without having to rebuild project. They Will Be Called at Startup Before Explorer Shell.